Hey all!
We’re getting ready to kick the ol’ radio station back into a more “Cozumelly” type feel and are looking for people interested in helping us out with Dive Reports.
We’d like to get at least 2 people on board, but will take as many as we can get. As we’d like to put new DR’s on the air weekly or at least semi-weekly.
Dive shop owners, DM’s, Instructors, or just active divers living on the island or who make regular trips are all welcome as well as any of you just going down for your annual visit. You can even plug your business/dive op for free!
It’s very easy, fun and doesn’t take much time, (we’re looking for DR segments to be no longer than 3 minutes). You can do it right on your smart phone or device.
You can do one by yourself, or interview other divers.
Contact me at if you are interested or want more info
... p.s. Sharky's Big Cozumel Adventure 2017 BOOKED! May 11-28, Blue Angel, Blue Angel ...
We’re getting ready to kick the ol’ radio station back into a more “Cozumelly” type feel and are looking for people interested in helping us out with Dive Reports.
We’d like to get at least 2 people on board, but will take as many as we can get. As we’d like to put new DR’s on the air weekly or at least semi-weekly.
Dive shop owners, DM’s, Instructors, or just active divers living on the island or who make regular trips are all welcome as well as any of you just going down for your annual visit. You can even plug your business/dive op for free!
It’s very easy, fun and doesn’t take much time, (we’re looking for DR segments to be no longer than 3 minutes). You can do it right on your smart phone or device.
You can do one by yourself, or interview other divers.
Contact me at if you are interested or want more info
... p.s. Sharky's Big Cozumel Adventure 2017 BOOKED! May 11-28, Blue Angel, Blue Angel ...