Dive Puerto Morelos software crash

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Puerto Morelos Riviera Maya Mexico and Sydney Aust
We had a software crash here last Friday and I have lost all emails back to Mid December - if any of you put bookings through in the last 2 weeks via email, I no longer have a record and would appreciate hearing from you again - beautiful day here today, sunny, warm, light breeze.
Hi Cat,

I'd be glad to help out here. You were about to write me a check for $500. I'll PM to tell you where to send the check and how to spell the name:)

Just kidding. We are hammering out the details for a trip in early May. I have a couple friends who live in Cancun and are getting married on the 7th and I am giving away the bride. I am hoping to be able to stop down for a day or two of diving.

I will PM with details as they come in.

Hang in there.
Bill & Gang
I am damn lucky...glad I checked the board Cat. I e-mail back and forth with Kris while you were in Australia. I am at Secrets Excellence right now and was planning on finishing my OW with you folks starting tomorrow. I will give you a call in a minute, but if you do not hear from me can you contact me at Secrets?


Don White

Hey Cat, I ran into someone the other day that couldnt say enough good stuff about your store and operation. Kudos
Thanks Mark, always good to hear, hope it translates into people this week and next as it seems to have quietened down again. Maybe I'll go to the beach!....cat...see attached ... gave the boys a bubble bath in the rinse tank last week

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