Dive plans this weekend?

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Rest in Peace...
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
OK, where's everyone going?
I'm going to Breakwater tomorrow morning at 7, taking a certain heading and following it till I run out of gas. Well, not really.
I have to be gone by 11:30. Dive buddy called tonight and said he has a sore throat and is a game day decision, not sure if I would try and come to Monterey anyway and find a buddy once there.
Sunday I am thinking of not coming in the morning, and coming after Tommy's hockey practice and doing late afternoon/night dive with same buddy.

I was talking with FishDiver about diving Saturday afternoon (afternoon is his request), but I've not heard back from him. I may be in need of a buddy, too.

I've just spent the last hour changing hoses on my reg. Got to try out my new long hose. (Thanks KathyDee for helping me get it set up at AWS.)

I'd be happy to join you on your dive of BW at whatever time works for you. Leaving SJ at 5:30 AM isn't my preference, but I could make it work. I'll PM my contact info in case you don't still have it. Contact me if you want to meet up.

OK, looks like fobturbo, eric, me and hopefully paul will be at breakwater tomorrow morning, a couple of which are long hosers trying out new gear :) You guys will have me assimilated in no time! Just you watch, I'll start to feel inadequate my hose isn't as long as my buddy's is and ....well, we all know where that leads.
See you in the AM!
Had a great time at breakwater today, well, the second dive was more interesting than the first. Mike Mill, my buddy and I passed you twice, I didn't see your buddy though?
Met up with fobturbo and eric gundrum, buddied eric and matt up together since they had similar objectives and gear. Paul and I did the wall on the second dive, on the way back in I saw one of those shark egg casings, someone said they were from a swell shark? I'll have to look that up on Google images because I am certain I've never seen one. Must have been there at one time though, huh?
Got to wave at Michelle from afar, lol, good eye, Michelle, glad you were able to pick me out on my surface swim back in, next time stay and chat!
In any event, going back again tomorrow for an afternoon and night dive, night dive will be at BW at around 5 or 5:30, not sure where we're going first, maybe Stillwater. Going to try to encourage fishdiver to night dive with us, anyone/everyone else is welcome to join!

I want to say a special "thank you" for making it possible for me to dive yesterday. :flowers:
You did a fantastic job coordinating buddies. :cheerleader:

It was all so last-minute with the late-night phone call, packing the car and trying to be on the road by 5:30 AM. I had a great time diving with Matt. And, I had a chance to try out a new gear configuration and realize several things that weren't quite right. :D

Our first dive was my 50th. And, at 65 minutes, my longest. I think we executed our plan pretty well, although we never found the "wheel". Maybe we were too deep. Or maybe it was that every time I turned my head to the right, my long hose got stuck on something.

I enjoyed seeing so many otters nearby as we swam out. We were investigated by a seal several times during the dive. (I love seeing the seals.) We also had some cormorants fishing along the bottom as we hovered above. I'm always amazed when I meet birds at 45'. :wow:

Visibility was around 20 feet. Better away from the wall. It was a bit cold at 51° :cold: - 50° on our second dive. I've been spoiled by the visibility at Pt. Lobos -- makes it hard to enjoy other sites as much. But yesterday I was very glad to be diving and now I know what gear changes I need to make before UTD Essentials next month. (I was very unhappy with the Mares paddle fins I had borrowed. :shakehead: I'm hoping I can learn to back-kick with my splits.)

Thanks much Kristina. :icecream:
Thanks for the organizing things yesterday Kristina. I had a bit of a car key "migration south" issue otherwise Eric & myself would have set off on the first dive with you & Paul.

It was great diving with you yesterday Eric on both dives. I still don't see how you were able to tolerate the 50 degree water on both dives for 60 min+.

First dive, as Eric said, we tried to follow the original dive plan, but could not find the wheel. Second dive, we were trying to find the barge, but neither of us think we even came close.

The vis was definitely the best I've ever seen it @BW.


I want to say a special "thank you" for making it possible for me to dive yesterday. :flowers:
You did a fantastic job coordinating buddies. :cheerleader:

It was all so last-minute with the late-night phone call, packing the car and trying to be on the road by 5:30 AM. I had a great time diving with Matt. And, I had a chance to try out a new gear configuration and realize several things that weren't quite right. :D

Our first dive was my 50th. And, at 65 minutes, my longest. I think we executed our plan pretty well, although we never found the "wheel". Maybe we were too deep. Or maybe it was that every time I turned my head to the right, my long hose got stuck on something.

I enjoyed seeing so many otters nearby as we swam out. We were investigated by a seal several times during the dive. (I love seeing the seals.) We also had some cormorants fishing along the bottom as we hovered above. I'm always amazed when I meet birds at 45'. :wow:

Visibility was around 20 feet. Better away from the wall. It was a bit cold at 51° :cold: - 50° on our second dive. I've been spoiled by the visibility at Pt. Lobos -- makes it hard to enjoy other sites as much. But yesterday I was very glad to be diving and now I know what gear changes I need to make before UTD Essentials next month. (I was very unhappy with the Mares paddle fins I had borrowed. :shakehead: I'm hoping I can learn to back-kick with my splits.)

Thanks much Kristina. :icecream:
I've just spent the last hour changing hoses on my reg. Got to try out my new long hose. (Thanks KathyDee for helping me get it set up at AWS.)--eric

Hi Eric,

So glad you got out for a day :). Did the new gear set up work out for you?

A couple of which are long hosers trying out new gear :) You guys will have me assimilated in no time! Just you watch, I'll start to feel inadequate my hose isn't as long as my buddy's is and ....well, we all know where that leads.

Kristina, you're so funny :D! Sounds like a fun day of diving!!

It was the first weekend since the end of August that I've been out of the water - sat on a school van with 9 grad students & looked at landslides fire burn scars in So Cal - my sleeping bag was covered with frost in the morning - yipeee!

So happy that school field trip is done :D!
Hi Eric,

So glad you got out for a day :). Did the new gear set up work out for you?

Hi Kathy,

Glad to hear you had some fun on your field trip, even though it was mostly dry. :wink:

Saturday turned out to be a great trial for my configuration changes. I was hoping all would just work, but I wasn't so lucky.

The main change was switching to a long hose with a bungee necklace secondary that you helped me tie at AWS. Friday night I was tuning that rig with some shorter, Miflex hoses that arrived earlier in the week. I adjusted the bungee's fisherman's knot as we had discussed, and I tied a small bolt-snap to the long hose. I'm not sure I got the knot right for the bolt-snap, but it held for two dives. (It would not have held for a third, I think.)

I also had Frank at AWS change the mouthpiece on my primary reg when he serviced them. I found out Saturday that the new mouthpiece was a bit too small. It worked, but not as well as the old one. Thankfully Frank saved all my old parts for me. I can swap the mouthpiece for the old one if I don't find a new one I like better. Now I know better what I'm looking for.

The real problem I had in the water was with the long hose getting caught behind my neck. This happened most often when I turned my head to the right. I think I had a bit of a mess behind my head with a somewhat twisted hose on my backup reg and a rather large first stage. I kept having to pull the hose free with my hand. It got to the point where I just avoided looking to the right. (Might be why we never found Kristina's "wheel".)

Prior to our second dive I made some adjustments. I think I got the twist out of the backup reg's hose. I also dropped my tank lower to move the first stage out of the way. During the dive I still had a problem with the long hose getting caught. I'm pretty sure it was getting stuck in my BCD somehow. Maybe between the bladder and my back, or just under some edge somewhere. I need to look at this more closely. I was thinking maybe replacing the long hose with a Miflex hose would fix it, but I hate to just throw money at a problem without understanding what's really going on.

Also on the second dive, I swapped my split fins for a set of Mares paddle fins borrowed from my regular dive buddy (who is vacationing in Spain). I wanted to see if those fins might be better for my upcoming Essentials class. They did seem to give me more control, but I just didn't have enough leg strength to manipulate them properly. I got awful cramps, which were exacerbated by the cold to the point where I asked Matt to turn the dive about five or ten minutes early. I need to figure out a better solution for the fins. Maybe I can try better quality paddle fins. Or, maybe I can make my splits work for a back kick. My split were so much better in so many different ways, I was amazed. (I can't wait to lend my splits to my buddy so he can be amazed, too. He always complains he can't keep up when I'm in a hurry.)

One benefit of ending the second dive early was that we had lots of air left when we swam back to the shallows. Matt had us just hanging out in 6-8 FSW riding the surge back and forth. It was warmer there and I wasn't trying to swim, so no serious cramps. While trying to hover I found I kept drifting to a head down position. I don't know if this was because the Mares fins tend to float or if I had too much weight (10#) in my shoulders or both.

Another thing I figured out with the Mares fins was that my frog kick was pushing me down. I recalled the advice you gave me about not instilling bad habits by trying to figure out the kicks on my own. I just made a mental note that things weren't working as I expected and stopped trying to play with kicks I didn't know.

Overall, it was a great day of diving. I learned that some gear can be a lot worse than my original gear. It seems I made some very wise (or just lucky) choices for my first purchases. I learned that I have a lot more than I thought to learn about kicks and trim and such. I'm glad to have learned that before Essentials. Knowing that will help me get more out of class, I think.

I do regret not practicing breathing off my backup reg. I'm not sure I've got the length of the bungee right. But, I expect I'll get some good help with that in Essentials, or maybe at the M&G if I can make it.

I see that I've written a rather lengthy post. Sorry about that. This is what comes from a day of diving for me. (I think could write write just as much about where we went and what we saw.) Anyway, thanks for asking about my gear. :wink:
I'm really glad everyone had a good time. Paul and I didn't find the wheel either.
I thought that buddying you two up made a lot of sense. You both had new gear to try out and you were in similar gear, I thought Matt may be able to help you a bit with your new hoses.
I got to dive last night with fishdiver (Jon) at Breakwater for a night dive. That was pretty cool. We didn't go too far out along the wall, I started getting cold at about 30 mins so we ended the dive at 38 mins. I still had 2000 psi, lol. That's OK though, I started to feel my leg muscles tightening up, not cramping but on their way. We saw the strangest fish, I'm going to have to go to work and look it up, I'm late for work already.
I'll let you all know once I find out.
Got to wave at Michelle from afar, lol, good eye, Michelle, glad you were able to pick me out on my surface swim back in, next time stay and chat!\

Sorry about not waiting to chat. I had to get back to the group to see what was going on but I planned to come back and chat with you when you got out of the water. I kept looking over at your car, but never did see you there...then it was gone. :depressed: At least we'll get a chance to chat at the M&G soon. See ya then.

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