In reply to Yakivet, I am a travel agent working with all such properties. I am new to this forum how fast do you expect me to answer every topic that comes about. Im not here to do any adversting on behalf of these properties, but simply doing exactly what Peter and Steve are doing in this forum. By the way why do you care so much are you affiliated with Protech and Ecologic divers or simply one of their faithful customers?
In answer to your questions- I am a vacation diver with 3 trips and 48 Ambergris dives under my belt. I'm not afraid to sign my name at the bottom of my post. I am an avid follower of this board as well as the Ambergris Caye website. I dive with Protech, and prior to the startup of Ecologic did so with 2 of Ecologic's employees. I think these shops and many others both run honest operations in a competitive environment.
I do know that in the past, this board has been less than complimentary of AquaDive's operation. I hope that things have changed. I loved our stay at the Sunbreeze hotel. but chose to dive with Protech in 2005 due to the haphazzard attitudes exhibited at their diveshop during checkin. Protech has always taken extremely good care my wife and myself while diving in their service.
I DO question your motives. Again, it just seems a bit strange--- A travel agent with 1000+ dives, promoting ONE dive operation and their affiliated hotel, spreading rumors as to the cause of relocation of another dive shop. I am well aware of the continued antics of the BYC and Peters relocation, but your comments certainly are not those of someone trying to "ease" into things. Just the fact that you'd even mention Protech and the BYC in this post, without provocation, again suggests your motives are less than genuine. They are those of someone who wants to toot their own horn while dragging down their competition.
Despite your comments, you are NOT doing what Peter and Steve are doing on this forum. They let their patrons post on their experiences and answer questions for Scubaboard members that have them. No one on this forum wants a
biased opinion. It takes a lot longer to build credability than to destroy it. You're doing a fantastic job of the latter :42: