Last time in Bonaire (2010) dove with Dive Friends. There were six of us so picking up 12 tanks at a time, never any issues. Good fills and good mix. Was planning same op for this year but saw some (just a couple) postings about short fills and EAN at 28/29%. Probably not a big deal, checking tanks any way and can push bad ones to the side and check another but....
Looking for feedback from anyone who's recently used them. Plan was to use Hamlet location as it's most convenient to where we're staying. Alternative ops would be WannaDive at Eden Beach or Buddy's so comments on recent experiences with either appreciated.
Probably wouldn't have an issue with any of them but thought it worth asking.
Looking for feedback from anyone who's recently used them. Plan was to use Hamlet location as it's most convenient to where we're staying. Alternative ops would be WannaDive at Eden Beach or Buddy's so comments on recent experiences with either appreciated.
Probably wouldn't have an issue with any of them but thought it worth asking.