Suggestion Dive Op Survey for most common dive destinations

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Scuba Instructor
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Phoenix, Arizona
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Would it be possible to have a survey template? Perhaps a format that would allow a diver to simply check off responses to questions. Each question could rate a dive op in a specific area from 1-5 or 1-10 or address questions about the type of boat and condition of equipment. There could be a few different sections of the survey rating safty, equipment, staff freindliness/helpfulness. There could even be a section for notes or other opinions.

I think the forum in general is good, I think doing your own research is also good, but I also think having a statistical type survey would just be another useful tool for divers who are going into an area for the first time or 100th time.

I've been to CZM several times and will be back several more but I think the survey apporach would be good for all destinations, it allows for a quick rating of dive ops and doesn't take the constant effort of updating that a sticky does. Divers could just record their experiance and leave it at that. One could then judge for themselves by trends whether a shop would fit their needs or not.

Any business concerned with providing good service is always interested in customer opinion, I would think that this would be the case with all dive ops everywhere. In the business I'm in I use surveys effectivily to learn what others are doing as well as how I'm doing, all with a view to improving my services. I think asurvey is way for the opinions to be recorded but without a huge burden on moderators or editing of a sticky.
That's an interesting concept. I will see how doable this s in our grand scheme of things!

There many customer satisfaction surveys already out the for free. One could just adapt a survey to the diving world.

Personally, I would even be willing to pay a subscription fee to access surveys rating dive ops and/or other elite features of the board.

No one else that I know of is doing this yet so SB would be somewhat of a pioneer in providing this feature that would be of great benefit to the diving community.

Thank you for your consideration,


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