Dive Op in AC for Jr. OW Referral

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# of dives
50 - 99
Hello Fellow ScubaBoard brethren,

Thank you in advance for your assistance and advise. I am planning to be in Ambergris Caye, staying in a house near Palapa Bar north of San Pedro, in early April next year. I am going to do some diving, and I have read a lot about the local dive scene in AC in the forums here.

My daughter, who will be 12 soon, wants to get certified and dive on this trip and I am not sure what to do about it. She is a competitive swimmer and very mature, so I am not hesitant to allow her to get certified. However, based on what I have read in the forums, I am a little concerned about her safety and want to be smart in planning her dive trip.

The decision I am struggling with is this, should she get her check off dives out of the way here or take a referral to Belize and finish it off there? If she does the dives here, I could dive with her in Belize, but I have heard a lot about the depth of the diving around AC and the sometimes lax attention to depth limits. If she does the dives in AC, can I trust the local Dive Ops with her more so than my LDS? Would she be more likely to dive shallower in Belize if she is getting certified?

Any comments from those who have certified their kids in AC, or who have knowledge of good shops who works with kids would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Peter, thanks so much for the reply. Your posts in other threads have been very valuable, and I know your position on safety standards etc., so I really appreciate your recommendation. I emailed Elbert already.
He'll suggest your daughter do PADI eLearning, which for her and with your timing will be ideal. Elbert is one of the most experienced instructors here.
You might also contact Alonzo Flota out of El Pescador. He is right nearby and is an extremely cautious and polite instructor.
Just emailed Alonzo, thanks!

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