Dive on 10/31

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Any one up for an Dive in the Malibu area? Meet up around 8:30am? or what ever time you want before noon? It will be almost two weeks of me being out of the water :shakehead:
Really????? Sweet..... any place you prefur to dive to me is fine........ I only really know Leo and Deer Creek. But if you have other places you can think of im up for it :)
OH no!! well what are you waiting for....... what part of leo do you want to do South end or Little cove? Tide will be comming in and its high tide at about 10:20.
My octo won't be fixed until next week, sorry about this. After my rescue class my gear got destroyed, and now it all has to get serviced. I have so much sand and etc in my gear that it free flows. Maybe some other time.
Thats ok..... Just got back from Monterey...... Long drive and im Tired as all get up and go

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