Some students will pay more attention to the DM than the instructor. I've seen it when I was the DM, and I've seen it when I was the instructor. I think it comes from when some folks think that the DM is more approachable since it the is instructor doing the evaluating.
The result is that anything you do will be closely watched and repeated by students. And repeated again. The :bonk: more profoundly stupid the things you do, the greater the number of students will be watching and imitating. Remember that the next time you giant stride in with no air in your BC, ten pounds of extra lead you brought to donate as needed, and your snorkle in your mouth. That's not to say that any DM has ever done that before :angel:
The result is that anything you do will be closely watched and repeated by students. And repeated again. The :bonk: more profoundly stupid the things you do, the greater the number of students will be watching and imitating. Remember that the next time you giant stride in with no air in your BC, ten pounds of extra lead you brought to donate as needed, and your snorkle in your mouth. That's not to say that any DM has ever done that before :angel: