Dive Master swim requirements

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I did my 100m tired diver tow and 800m snorkel and 15 min tread in ocean . I got totaly sun burnt in the face during the tread . It was easier than 400m swim in the pool with all the kids in the resort zooming past me . It was like a obstacle course which I had to swim.
Oh, those resort kids....GOTTA LVE THEM!

k4man- If you never swam under the direction of a coach, some basic tips.

Learn the freestyle, stroke/breathe method. When you reach for a stroke/S-T--R---E--T---c-----hhhh every inch you get out of that pull is one you do not have to do on the next one.

Stay streamline, do not get sloppy with on your strokes with your arms all over the place like some eight year old running from a sea monster.

USe a TiGHT powerful Kick turn, you can gain several yards with every turn if you are tall.

You can get very good instruction at the Y - or you can look for a highschool (college) swim student looking to make $50.00 in a weekend... which as a matter of fact sounds like such a good idea I might see what is new in the compeition swimming world since 1987.

The local college is a nationally ranked team.. I am sure some of them need $$ for books (beer) and stuff.
I just finished the DM swim test. 14 points, not bad for a fifty year old. I did most of the 400 yard as a backstroke. Very relaxing.
Orlando Eric:
USe a TiGHT powerful Kick turn, you can gain several yards with every turn if you are tall.
We were told if we used the pool, we couldn't touch the wall. and its a small pool so about 16 laps. 30+ turns, starting and stopping, can't touch the wall, too much work! I'll go to the lake.
Yep I am with you on the go to the lake thing then. Just as you get up on a good plane you'd have to stop and turn.. screw that.

lake it is.
Dang, I was told I HAD to have my hands out of the water the last two minutes. If I had known that it would have just cost me a couple of points I would have spotted them. It is tough treading water with your hands in the air!
I am taking a Swimming Fitness class here at University of TN, to be a better swimmer and be able to do those test next year hopefully a little easier. I have to admit everything I know about swimming is self taught. I have never had any lessons from anyone or been shown anything. This is going to be fun and enjoyable and I get to get wet three times a week for classes. Then I will have to study and practice so I think I will be getting wet just about everyday of the week for the next 16 weeks. If all goes well.

Thanks for all the responses. It looks like I need to be off to the local YMCA pool to check my times.

the swims used to be graded on times and still are,in a way..As long as you complete the swims in a non stop manner you get a 3..as per standards when I was working at an idc..

I had to do a 20 minute tread with my hands out the last five, my 800 snorkel was actually more like 1200 and my 400 swim was actually 600ish. Oh, and it was all in the ocean in 2-3' seas and a cross current.

My DM instructor was a pain, but when I was done we all knew I could handle myself in the ocean.


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