dive light suggestions for black water

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Pinellas Park, Fl
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0 - 24
Hello, I'm new to the board failed in my first attempt to post will try again with this. A few weeks ago I tried diving in the Peace River. Viz was less than zero with the tannic acid but if I had a light I think I would be able see , well maybe. Does anyone have a suggestion for a specific light or amount of lumens? Did some digging found some small megs and makos so trip was not a total lost. thanks for your help. Dave
This sounds like a question in fossilbabe's expertise....
Hello Hoffy, I have not been able to find a light that I can use for the peace river this time of year. Normal the river is so dark now its hard to dive. I have tried for many years and My suggestion is what until the winter when the water table drops some what on the peace and you will do much better. The current is not as strong and Alligators are not so many. Which county are you trying to do this? I have collected on the peace river for over ten years so maybe I can help.
thanks Babe, I,ve been digging the Peace for several years but have just recently attemted to dive it. I've been in Hardee and Desoto counties the most, tried Polk did not find much and the gators seem to be much larger. I perfer the river teeth to Venice teeth they are generally in much better condition but smaller. I'll take any suggestions you have. I hope to make back to Venice next week when I find out my days off I'll be calling Capt. Jamie sounds like a good time. thanks agian, Hoffy

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