Thanks for your feed back, it is appreciated.
What you have done Boby is not some serious test it is just ''FEELING TEST'' just pictures that some guy glitch on uneven rock or seabead in unclear water ?
You are correct it is a "feeling"
test/comparison. We made every effort to make it fair and useful. It was taken in a particular cave that is known for clear water and enough flow that any silt that might get stirred up would quickly be taken out and not affect the outcome. We had a tripod with us but had technical issues when deploying it and had to resort to hand held. As listed in the comparison video we used the same manual settings for each run and markers so we would have the same turning point and beam sweeps. We made our best effort to point the beam at the same spot from the same angle as much as we could in a dynamic environment.
You have no data about taking beam , you don't measure distance , angle , colour , lux or anything , have you ever see integrating sphere to gives us lumens as TORCH SOURCE ?
As was stated in the comparison video it is a simple test for end users. We have tested our lights and competitors and yes we have experience with integrating sphere. We also understand and appreciate the difficulty of putting together all of this data for our lights and other dive light manufacturers. The reality is that we are a small company that does not have the resources to do all of this testing and it would be a waste of our time as others would simply accuse us of being biased.
You have '' lumens'' from led emiter datasheet , you have calculated in account also led cooling and thermal graph which lower lumens ?
Yes we have the calculations. What is the point when other manufacturers are stating Lumen output beyond even the basic data sheets? We are conservative with our specifications because we do account for efficiency losses.
but you measure light with ...?
We have a Lux box that we designed specifically to compare primary light output. It levels the field and gives useful information between different lights. It is a quick and easy tool for our own internal testing. We don't publish our Lux numbers as they are useless information unless they can be compared with Lux readings taken with another identical box from other manufacturers. Again if we published the numbers for competitors we would be accused of being biased in some way and we are in the business of manufacturing lights. We just don't have the resources to spend our time on testing everything available on the market.
Does LM have old /new bulb , does have RIGHT adjusted beam ( even we know that these HIDs are far to be efficient ! and they are certainly not some reference)
Excellent question and yes both the HID lights had bulbs that were less than a month old. We also took voltage readings of the battery packs for all the lights if anyone questions that they were fully charged. We did take the time to ensure the reflectors on the HID's were adjusted as best we could for their best output.
OK no problem - it is just feeling
......but nothing more - for me : to less . It was an objective critique and dispersed myth .
Thank you that is appreciated.
BTW : if you search web MBSUB have at least some measurments on some older lights.
Yes there are Lux measurements but as discussed the numbers mean nothing unless the environment can be duplicated. Unless someone has a better idea on how to present specifications we believe that Lumen output with any rounding towards the more conservative. It would be a step forward if we stopped rounding up. It would be another step in the right direction if other manufacturers took into account at least some efficiency losses in their specifications.
We have already made good progress by getting away from using watts to specify output. That was just silly but as the consumer becomes more educated they are getting better information.
---------- Post added March 13th, 2013 at 05:30 AM ----------
Again thanks for the input. We will take all the input we can get and may do another video some time down the road. We had a number of attempts before we got this video that did not work out for various reasons. We chose a cave because it offered a completely dark environment without outside light sources to have influence. As we have a lot of prototyping going on with video light designs and we are still struggling to keep up with orders it may be a while before we have time to dedicate to this type of project again.