I'd be interested in knowing when the Marine Park started enforcing the 8-1 ratio of divers to DMs. My one and only experience with a cattle boat operation was years and years ago - December of 1994, maybe '95, IIRC. My Dad died in 1990, and my Mother was still grieving and hated staying home for Christmas, too many painful memories. So I took her to Cozumel for Christmas week, stayed at the El Cid/La Cieba. I booked dives with the house dive op, Aqua Safari (I think?), and got put on a big boat, 22 or 23 divers with 2 DMs. They put everyone in the water at the same time, one DM to lead the group, one DM at the rear to herd the stragglers. It was awful. I cancelled the rest of my dives with Aqua Safari and finished the week with Dive with Martin.
So I gather that putting 20+ divers into the water with 2 DMs is no longer allowed - though I guess that they can still do 16 divers with 2 DMs (or 24 with 3 DMs) now. When was the 8-1 rule implemented? And are there any cattle boat operators on Cozumel that still follow the practice of dumping a big group of people off all at once with a couple of DMs?