Dive For The Cure 2007

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
# of dives
The planning has begun for Dive For the Cure 2007.

This event is the first of it's kind in the world and will be held in both Seattle and San Diego to raise awareness and monies for Breast Cancer. The goal is to see 100 women in the water to raise money...though this is not a female specific event and men are encouraged to get involved as well. We will also be hosting an auction to raise additional funds and serve as a kick-off. All monies will stay locally, with the recipient being Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center for the Seattle event.

We are pleased to announce that Mares, with their She Dives gear line, will be the major sponsor of the event, initially donating nearly $5,000 worth of gear to the fundraising effort.

The dates are pending, however, I can tell you that the event will be in October, with the kick-off up here...and the San Diego event the following weekend.

Initially, we are now in the process of seeking 4 committee heads. These will be specific to the Seattle event, though the two events will share ideas and will be as similar as locale will allow.

The following positions are needed:

Site Committee (set up, coordination and break down of day event site)

Donation Committee (yeah, these are the solicitors)

Auction Committee (responsible for site selection, coordination and evening program)

Publicity Committee (will interface with graphic gal, and distribute all event publicity)

We understand that Breast Cancer is not just a "female issue" so men who have been affected by this disease are encouraged to get involved. Even on committees...but realize, we're going to be eating chocolate at the meetings.. :D

Please PM me if you are interested, or contact me at cindy@girldiver.com

This is going to be BIG...BIG, I tell you!

That's awesome!!!

PM me if you have any lessons learned from your event.

Doing this in two locations is going to be challenging (yeah, I think it would have been a challenge even just with one...)

Initially, I've been amazed at the amount of support this has gotten. Very exciting and really gets me thrilled at the potential for funds raised.
Oh wow. What a great idea.

Let me know dates once it's set up...i'd love to come be a part of it!
Thank you for organizing this!

I'm a guy, but I'm unable to dive at the moment due to treatment for breast cancer- indeed it isn't only a women's issue (though obviously it's far more common in women). I'm looking forward to being able to participate! :)

Sounds like a great idea.
Count me in.
Maybe I can get my dry suit by then and join you. What a great cause!
Well, as in my previous post, I said that there has been tremendous response.

And there has.

Everyone wants to be "in" it...but so far, I've only got two people who want to help organize it.

Does anyone have any tips for "mobilizing" the forces?? This is my first BIG event where volunteers are not a "nice to have"...they're a "need to have".
I'm a guy, but I'm unable to dive at the moment due to treatment for breast cancer- indeed it isn't only a women's issue (though obviously it's far more common in women). I'm looking forward to being able to participate! :)

So, is this an offer to help organize?? :wink:

This is getting sooo much bigger than what I'd be able to handle on my own. In some ways, a bit "like cancer"...in that the better your support system, the better your experience.

Right now...could use some volunteer support...
I will let my lovely bride know. She is a five year survivor and a diver.


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