Interesting. I learned about not going into caves on the caver's list. That will give some indication of how long ago that was. I learned about ppo2 right here on ScubaBoard, and take 1.6 with a grain of salt. I learned about ratio deco here, rebreathers on rebreatherworld, and deco on the Deco Stop. Why? Because when someone says "You'll die if you exceed a 1.6 ppo2" someone else will come along and say "Well, maybe you won't" and you can get both sides or all sides or more of the story or the real story so that you can make an informed decision about what ppo2 you want to dive. For instance, my wife feels the wah-wahs coming on at 1.6 working. I have no problem with 2.0 working. My problem is with nitrogen. At 100 feet on air I'm the happiest diver on the planet. My darling bride is just as happy at 160 on air as she is at 20 feet. We wouldn't know that if we did what the dive shop said.