I've seen some minor posts asking about alternatives (to Windows) for downloading profiles from dive computers. I only use Linux at home, and I'd like to be able to download my profile to my Linux computer (including my handheld one).
This is how I envision this post:
I'll post what I've tried, what works, and what doesn't (at least in my world ) You post your experiences, and I'll update the original post (this one), so that anyone looking can find the info easily. If this is redundant (ie; someone knows of a source of comprehensive dive computer with linux info), please also let me and others know. I know there are sites with bits and pieces of info for different computers, and we can cull them here as well.
I'll start with my experience with the Mosquito:
Suunto Mosquito (and possibly Vyper, Stinger, et al)
My first attempt to get a download on the Mosquito was through mosquitotools. Unfortunately this would not compile on my computer. It appears that development is no current for this set of packages, however the developer told me that assistance is best conducted directly with him as opposed to through the mailing list.
gdivelogI was able to compile and install. It successfully downloaded my computer profiles, but looks to be about as buggy as SDM. On the main dive profile itself (the chart), the depths show accurately, however if you pick a specific point on the dive, the depth is tripled. "Oopses" are not displayed as they are in SDM. It appears as if development is still ongoing (wiki states latest version to be available this month!).
jdivelog, as its name suggests, is a divelog written in java. I'm not a big fan of java, but the screenies looked nice, so I thought I'd give it a try. Everything compiled fine, and it does look good...lots of options for data input, equipment tracking, photos and such. The problem I had with it is that it requires a version of comm.jar (it's java's serial port access extension thingy) that is no longer available on Sun's website. I MIGHT be able to have someone send me that file, but it gets shady due to Sun's licensing policies. Since I couldn't get the proper comm.jar file, I couldn't get downloads from my computer. The developer states on the sourceforge forum that the next release should include support for the newest comm.jar file.
That's all I've got for now. Oh! The above (excluding mosquitotools) will work with computers besides Suunto. IIRC UWATEC and Sensus will also work with the above.
IMPORTANT!: Currently none of the above have the option to print, although a screen capture is possible.
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This is how I envision this post:
I'll post what I've tried, what works, and what doesn't (at least in my world ) You post your experiences, and I'll update the original post (this one), so that anyone looking can find the info easily. If this is redundant (ie; someone knows of a source of comprehensive dive computer with linux info), please also let me and others know. I know there are sites with bits and pieces of info for different computers, and we can cull them here as well.
I'll start with my experience with the Mosquito:
Suunto Mosquito (and possibly Vyper, Stinger, et al)
My first attempt to get a download on the Mosquito was through mosquitotools. Unfortunately this would not compile on my computer. It appears that development is no current for this set of packages, however the developer told me that assistance is best conducted directly with him as opposed to through the mailing list.
gdivelogI was able to compile and install. It successfully downloaded my computer profiles, but looks to be about as buggy as SDM. On the main dive profile itself (the chart), the depths show accurately, however if you pick a specific point on the dive, the depth is tripled. "Oopses" are not displayed as they are in SDM. It appears as if development is still ongoing (wiki states latest version to be available this month!).
jdivelog, as its name suggests, is a divelog written in java. I'm not a big fan of java, but the screenies looked nice, so I thought I'd give it a try. Everything compiled fine, and it does look good...lots of options for data input, equipment tracking, photos and such. The problem I had with it is that it requires a version of comm.jar (it's java's serial port access extension thingy) that is no longer available on Sun's website. I MIGHT be able to have someone send me that file, but it gets shady due to Sun's licensing policies. Since I couldn't get the proper comm.jar file, I couldn't get downloads from my computer. The developer states on the sourceforge forum that the next release should include support for the newest comm.jar file.
That's all I've got for now. Oh! The above (excluding mosquitotools) will work with computers besides Suunto. IIRC UWATEC and Sensus will also work with the above.
IMPORTANT!: Currently none of the above have the option to print, although a screen capture is possible.
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