Dive Computer Info

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I am hoping someone can please help me. I looked on the Mares website, and there is no contact info. The descriptions of the dive computers does not really contain enough information for a new diver. Specifically, I am trying to figure out what the differences are between the Nemo Sport and Nemo Excel (especially since the Nemo Excel is nearly twice the price).

A complete list of features of both would be great, too.


The contact information can be found on our website under Mares Sales Network/distributors
Mares - stand for diving

From a construction point, the Nemo Sport is plastic and the Nemo Excel is stainless steel.

As for a feature comparrison:I will place another post with a chart

Attached is a comparrison of our computers

Thank you so much! That is EXACTLY what I was looking for. :)

I actually like the light weight of the Sport, but would get the Excel if it had extra functions that I would use.

The biggest difference that jumps out at me, being a new diver, is that the Sport does not have an Ascent Rate Digital Indicator. Does that mean it will not warn me if I am ascending too fast? I don't think I'd use the Free-dive function at this time, but the bottom timer might be useful?
The Sport does have a digital indicator and an alarm with an ascent rate warning.

Huh? Then I am confused. The chart shows that it doesn't have one, but that it does have a ascent rate percent indicator (I don't know what that means).

Also, is the free dive function useful for snorkeling? Not sure exactly what that does.
This is out of the manual

• The ascent rate graph is displayed.

The ascent speed (mt/min) : 0 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 10 over 10 (warning)
• The ascent rate warning is indicated by a 6-second flashing of the current
depth and all SLOW flag displays. An audible alarm also sounds for 3
seconds for each warning.
• If the ascent rate warning disappears, the SLOW flag disappears.
• Maximum ascent rate graph are saved as log data.

The manual can be downloaded at:Mares - stand for diving


Also, is the free dive function useful for snorkeling? Not sure exactly what that does.

I find the freediving function to be useful and fun even if you are not a serious freediver. This function is only on the Nemo Excel. The function will show you depth and how long you stayed down. It will also log your freedives for later reference if you are inclined to know. Freediving function breaks your dives down into minutes and seconds rather than hours and minutes when in scuba mode. You may even find you become increasingly interested in freediving with this information at your hands.

Hope this helps you come to a conclusion.

Thanks for all of your help. I actually went with the Nemo Sport, even though I really liked the display on the Excel, because the Excel just feels too big, heavy, and sloppy on my wrist (I am a small boned female). The Sport was more comfortable. I think it is because the back of the Excel is flat square metal, whereas the Sport is curved. The Excel was an attractive computer though. :)

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