Dive Certification Courses

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South Bend, IN
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My Wife and I are currently working on our PADI certification. We will have all of the pool dives complete, and our book work finished prior to a trip on April 7, 2011 to Roatan. Our instructor has said we can do our certificiation dives in Roatan and they will provide a letter showing proof of completion. I am looking for a dive shop able to accomidate our Dive certification? We are on the Carnival Valor Cruise ship which arrives in Belieze at 18 and leaves at 5

We have been quoted $245/person for this for a 2 tank dive. I didnt know if there were other outfits you might reccomend.

Thanks for your help!
I'm a bit puzzled. You've posted this in the Belize section, yet you're talking about doing your certification dives in Roatan. Which is it?

In any case, at the most you could do two of your necessary four dives in one day, and in practice you may find it difficult to do any at all during a cruise ship stop.

What actually are you wanting to do, and in which country (Belize or Honduras)?

One more thing. Under PADI rules the instructor taking you on your last certification dive is your certifying instructor, the one who will apply to PADI for your dive card and whose name will appear on that card as instructor. There's no need for any form of letter proving completion.
You need to complete the 4 training dives for Open Water certification.Standards allow 3 to be done in 1 day,but not all 4.Most instructors/resorts will offer 2 training dives per day.
Take referral paperwork along with a log book filled in by your instructor where you are taking the acad/confined water part of the course and a completed medical form.If you do 2 dives you can get "Scuba Diver" certified, not Open Water certified.If on a cruise you can do 2 dives in one port of call and the next 2 in another, if you can find the time and instructor to do it. A PIC card will be used to certify you or the instructor may do it electronically and issue a temp proof of certification.
As you will be docking in Belize City your options in Belize are pretty well limited to local shops. Almost certainly one of Sea Sports Belize or Belize Dive Connection will be working with the cruise ship company. They're both good - go with whichever is logistically more convenient. Ask them what they can do for you. You may find it quite difficult to arrange certification dives.

In the past some people have flown up to San Pedro and done one or two dives up here, and then flown back. There are two issues with this. Firstly, as you'll be totally independent of the cruise ship it's up to you to ensure you get back on time, and if you miss it they'll leave without you. The second is that it's not good practice to fly after diving, even in a puddle jumper which doesn't go above 1500ft. I've done it many times, so have others, and I've never heard of anyone having a problem, but still it's not a good thing to do.
Check with the cruise ship. I have never been on one, but I know some have instructors on staff. If so, he or she could conduct dives for you in both locations and make all the arrangements.
Does anyone have reccomendations for a good dive shop in Belieze for Open Water Dives 4&5. Every shop we have talked to wants to charge us between 225 and 250 per person. Is this reasonable?
You'd get them for less than that in San Pedro, but then you have the cost, time and uncertainty of getting there and back. Who quoted those prices?
Just a quick update!

My Wife and I did complete all 4 open water dives while on vacation. 2 in Roatan and 2 in Belieze. I have to say, it was not rushed, it was enjoyable. We did get to enjoy part of the dive while mastering skills. I would highly reccomend Sea Sports Belize for both referal dives and diving in general...
Just a quick update!

My Wife and I did complete all 4 open water dives while on vacation. 2 in Roatan and 2 in Belieze. I have to say, it was not rushed, it was enjoyable. We did get to enjoy part of the dive while mastering skills. I would highly reccomend Sea Sports Belize for both referal dives and diving in general...

Congratulations! I'm glad it worked out for you. Welcome to the world of diving!

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