Disturbing trend

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I think everyone just needs to let this thread die.
Do or do not. There is no try.

- Yoda, 'The Empire Strikes Back'

So why did you post again?
All users don't always see the way the thread degenerates before it is pulled. Also, depending on which Moderator responds,
the "pull" threshold may be different. This is not a perfect method, but it's the best we have at the moment.

Seems the founding fathers had a better way.
Sometimes I read what Genesis had to say, sometimes I skipped the long winded ones, I'm capable of editing what I want to read and what I don't.

Big Brother (i.e. SB management) says you aren't.
sorry, read up on your constitutional law.

free speech protections are against government intrussion, not private parties.

this board's management has the right (as does every single private entity in the united states who does not receive federal money) to decide what, when, how and under which circumstances people may express themselves in their "turf."

another analogy: this is a free service. it's a gift. don't like it? don't accept it.

don't like Scubaboard? don't use Scubaboard.

sorry, i could sugar-coat it, but that's the bottom line.
we have to balance Genesis' freedom to express his thoughts and the possible harm to the board and to users that may stem from what Genesis says.

The greatest harm comes from suppression of ideas. The murder rate in Cuba or Red China is MUCH lower than in any major American city. There are many different kinds of harm.

in balancing the equities, we felt it was proper to ask Genesis no to spouse his view as to that point on the board.

There are any number of 'dangerous' ideas advocated. That's why there's the disclaimer about the medical/decompression forums. Some people believe that
quicky certs, resort courses, and many popular equipment designs are tatamount to suicide. Others hold the opposite.
The issue in question has two sides, and I defy anyone to make an empirical, objective, statistically backed case for EITHER side of it, yet one side was gagged.
you can't falsely cry "fire" in a crowded theater. you simply don't have that right.

same thing applies here. the management felt that a dangerous situtation was being created and took steps to stop it.

people will disagree with the decision, just as many people have expressed their agreement.
But its not. SB is under the control of NetDoc and the mods in the same manner that my property is under my control. If its on my property, I decide whether something stays or goes.

If its on SB, its entirely appropriate for the mods to decide what stays and what should be discarded.

A valid LEGAL argument, which no one can dispute. However, this discussion is not about what is LEGAL. No one, including the mods, is charged with enforcing statutory laws by any governmental body.

The issue here is purely moral and ethical. If one presumes to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, then one assumes a moral obligation to honor the principle of free speech. Notice I said principle, not constitutional amendment. We are speaking of ethics, not law. Just because one legally CAN do a thing does not make it right.

Does this mean personal attacks should not be pulled? Hardly - the same PRINCIPLE of free speech would constrain one from responding to a person's ideas by attacking the person, because a personal attack is essentially an attempt
to deny the target's standing to put forth his ideas in the first place. Once you accept the other person's right to express his ideas, you take on an obligation to disagree by rebutting the ideas, not the person.

However, the principle which justifies restricting personal attacks cuts two ways. Anyone who is restricting personal attacks has a moral obligation not to make them, and censoring someone is just another form of personal attack.
When you silence someone rather than rebut his ideas, it's no different from calling him an idiot, because calling him an idiot says "You are not fit to comment, and thus I don't have to respond to your ideas."
It is obvious that nothing useful is going to come of reviving this thread, so could a mod please lock it and let it die...
It is obvious that nothing useful is going to come of reviving this thread, so could a mod please lock it and let it die...

yes that is exactly what i was trying to do, but had
technical difficulties.

as LUBOLD8431 said it best, i'll add nothing new.
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