Distinctive Caribbean & FL Dive Destinations

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Southwestern Kentucky
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Been thinking about starting a thread on this since people often post asking about dive destinations, or what destinations would meet some particular need, or how a couple compare. Or just where to go. Sometimes it's shore diving, sometimes it's how a place would compare to Cozumel, etc…

So I'd like to hear about destinations in Florida and the Caribbean people think are particularly distinctive for some reason. Something special. And I'm focusing on the diving; if we get into rainforest treks to see Mayan ruins in Belize vs. the Ostrich farm in Curacao, the thread may get over-extended. And you need not have been to a destination to list it. I'm sticking to easily U.S.A.-accessible sites that have warm water and good viz., so the options will be at least in the same ball park.

Mine would be:

1.) Upper Florida Keys - lots of shallow reef diving with ready access to the U.S., including health care, and airfare (from Nashville, anyway) is pretty cheap. Cost per 2-tank trip was cheap with Rainbow Reef Dive Center, 2 trips/day let me do 20 dives in 5 days, and we could also hit some wrecks like Spiegel Grove and the Duane, so deep diving & seeing Goliath grouper was also available. Saw a few reef & nurse sharks. Quite cost effective as a value trip for me, taking wife, baby & mother-in-law along & renting an SUV. U.S. health care access is good when you've got a baby, and there were things for non-divers to do (e.g.: Jungle Island near Miami, the Everglades are nearby, Miami & Fort Lauderdale…).

2.) Bonaire - shore diving. A road runs along the west coast, the reef is close in to shore, you can dive many sites in near-aquarium class conditions, at many navigation is nearly a non-issue, a number of resorts have buffet-style 'all you can dive' unlimited tanks (with free nitrox upgrade common) facilitate this dive style, and you can dive 24/7. Fairly easy to get 20+ dives into a week, which is a lot for a non-live-aboard trip. Airfare can be steep; resort + diving are usually fairly cheap, and with shore diving, you don't need to tip. There's boat diving for people who want it.

3.) Cozumel - high viz., warm water, ride the current drift diving, varied reef topography at different sites, a number of very reputable op.s meeting different needs (e.g.: steel 120's at Living Underwater and Aldora), some big stuff (e.g.: saw a big black grouper, and a large eagle ray, both up close on a dive at the Santa Rosa site), off an island considered pretty safe (though part of Mexico), and Cozumel trips are famous for being a good overall budget value trip that people still love.

4.) Saba - I haven't been. From what I understand, a lush, beautiful island, where you may have some current but the underwater pinnacle diving at least sounded 'special' to me. Some people love Saba. From what I've read, the plane landing bring you in can be something of an adventure itself.

5.) Bahamas - I haven't been. If I ever get to go, I hope to do the AquaCat live-aboard. But the reason I included the Bahamas here was a specialty site, Tiger Beach, where some op.s can put you in the water with a decent chance of cageless diving with a tiger shark. Like the 14 foot Emma the Abernathy has taken divers to see. And the Bahamas is famous for shark dives. Since sharks are high on a lot of divers 'want to see' list, the Bahamas bear a mention. I get the impression it may be the premier shark destination in the Caribbean? Or do some of you know better?

Honorable mention to Curacao, which for whatever reasons doesn't seem to command quite as much mind share on the forum as Bonaire, but has some advantages with some from what I'm told. Here's a link to a thread on Curacao vs. Bonaire for those interested.

Have been to all those destinations except Saba and would agree with you on them. I'd add Roatan. Spooky channel is a neat dive; they also have some cool caves. Had an amazing bioluminescence night dive which made it feel like we were diving in a sea of stars! It's also fairly easy to get to from US and pretty affordable, but not really the place for high end accommodations. The resorts are fairly remote so they are usually inclusive of food.
I would like to dive Roatan someday, ideally at CocoView. Since you brought Roatan up, let me share a few things I've gleaned reading about it on the forum.

1.) Unlike some destinations where people roam around the island, in Roatan people often go to a resort and largely 'stay on the reservation,' with maybe a trip to the more populated region (West End is it called?). At this was the impression I got from one old post. So whereas in Bonaire people might drive around a lot, I saw a couple of posts by Doc indicating driving on Roatan can be, er, ill-advised, I think.

2.) Roatan can roughly be divided into sections (with distinctive diving), like north, south, etc... Doc's postings on this issue are important. Also, people at CocoView may love the shore diving at the 'house reef' with the wreck of the Prince Albert, and you can also shore dive from Reef House Resort, but it's my understanding that you don't have the shore diving availability through Roatan that the west coast of Bonaire offers. CocoView does heavy repeat business and I'm told can be pretty booked up.

I enjoy Roatan posts by Doc and DiverSteve.

My point is, in Bonaire, whether I were to stay at any one of a string of resorts up the west coast (e.g.: Windsock, Eden Beach, Sand Dollar, Buddy Dive, Captain Dons, Beach Comber Villas, etc...), I'd be looking at much the same diving; another 5 to 10 minutes each way driving to a given dive site, and whether I had a house reef & how good it was, would be the main diving differences (if you boat dive on Bonaire, that, too, varies with op. & resort). So the diving would be much the same. It's my understanding Roatan isn't like that.

Perhaps someone with a lot of 1st hand Roatan experience would can to comment?

OP...research Dominica........but, it's not that easy to get to & the vis is sometimes less than 75'.......but, it's the best diving you will find in the Caribbean(IMO).....

EDIT, IMO again, stay on the north side of Roatan(CoCo View's on the south)......better diving......Had a house on the water for 14 years about 2 miles east of AKR & that's what I experienced.....Sold it in '08 & my next trip back(if I ever go back) will be #26......
Diver 85:

What's 'best' about Dominica's diving? I ask because there are places fairly easy to get to with good viz. and lush reef (I hear Roatan fits the bill), big stuff (Goliath grouper on deep Key Largo wrecks, or out of Jupiter for example, or sharks in the Bahamas), varied topography (Cozumel), etc...

Granted, viz. can be under 75 feet and still good. In my estimation some Key Largo viz. on my trip, for example.

So what would drive a person to make whatever the extra effort is to get to Dominica to dive, instead of Cozumel, Bonaire or Roatan? What's special/distinctive about the diving (as opposed to the rainforest, which I've read good things about if memory serves)?

Nice thread idea.

I've been to many places in the Caribbean and now it's a matter of what kind of diving I want.

Belize Liveaboard: my favorite all around Caribbean diving.

Cozumel: my favorite day boat based diving.

Roatan, Cocoview: one of my favorite house reefs with a rustic resort away from it all feel.

Curacao, Kura Hulanda: one of my favorite house reefs with a modern resort and conveniences.

Florida Keys: wrecks, wrecks, wrecks.

Florida Boynton Beach: my long weekend destination of choice. Goliath Groupers in late summer guaranteed

I left Bonaire off my list. Although it is the obvious choice for shore diving, I was disappointed with the quality of the diving and lack of variety. If I want to dive my brains out, I head to Curacao, Cocoview, or a liveaboard.
I'll chime in about Saba. The pinnacles are a definite attraction where you can see lots of sharks and other big stuff, but we've always preferred some of the other dive sites more. Saba is home to many adolescent sea turtles and they are found closer to shore, plus the shallower sites and reefs have loads of very cool smaller stuff. There usually isn't a problem with current, although because of the currents on the windward side of the island, those sites don't get visited as often. However, when you do get to them, they can be spectacular. The first dive site I dove on the windward side of the island (two days after hurricane Omar) looked just like the fantasy dive sites that inspired me to want to learn to dive.

And the Saban people are among the friendliest folks you will ever meet. Can you tell I'm biased? :wink1:

Sorry getting back so late rich2...IMO, the number of (different)critters you will see---big & small......Viz is sometimes off(due to freshwater runoff of rivers but I got over that hurdle on day 2)...Also, you've got(5000 ft) vertical UW walls---& great pinnacles to dive--& Champagne reef(google it--think diving over Soufriere Volcano), all within a stones throw of each other....I haven't mentioned the FANTASTIC SIs you will encounter @ Soufriere, enjoying homemade (FREE..lol..I might add) 'hot dips' in the hot sulphur springs next to the shoreline...see below pics/videos..

.All I'm trying to say is the diversity is there for diving....PLUS(& I know you said in your OP not to include it) there's the 'stuff' to do/see after a great morning of diving(google that also)....It's a National Geographic kinda trip that IMO you can go (almost) 24/7 for 6 days & not see/do everything in----lol, unless you're 21 YO & made of rubber..:)....Remember, I'm NOT talking about the "treks to see Mayan ruins in Belize vs. the Ostrich farm in Curacao"-NO WAY...lol...Did I mention it's where they filmed parts of 'Pirates of the Caribbean--Part 2 & 3(might get a copy of those & watch???).....see below pics/videos

As I said in my OP, do a little research of the island......You're welcomre to view my pic/videos of our trip---click below link & all Dominica albums have Dominica in their titles(on the left side of the page).....good luck....
Dominica-San Juan Layover Photos by GEAUXtiger | Photobucket
Been thinking about starting a thread on this since people often post asking about dive destinations, or what destinations would meet some particular need, or how a couple compare. Or just where to go. Sometimes it's shore diving, sometimes it's how a place would compare to Cozumel, etc…

So I'd like to hear about destinations in Florida and the Caribbean people think are particularly distinctive for some reason. Something special. And I'm focusing on the diving; if we get into rainforest treks to see Mayan ruins in Belize vs. the Ostrich farm in Curacao, the thread may get over-extended. And you need not have been to a destination to list it. I'm sticking to easily U.S.A.-accessible sites that have warm water and good viz., so the options will be at least in the same ball park.

Mine would be:

1.) Upper Florida Keys - lots of shallow reef diving with ready access to the U.S., including health care, and airfare (from Nashville, anyway) is pretty cheap. Cost per 2-tank trip was cheap with Rainbow Reef Dive Center, 2 trips/day let me do 20 dives in 5 days, and we could also hit some wrecks like Spiegel Grove and the Duane, so deep diving & seeing Goliath grouper was also available. Saw a few reef & nurse sharks. Quite cost effective as a value trip for me, taking wife, baby & mother-in-law along & renting an SUV. U.S. health care access is good when you've got a baby, and there were things for non-divers to do (e.g.: Jungle Island near Miami, the Everglades are nearby, Miami & Fort Lauderdale&#8230:wink:.

2.) Bonaire - shore diving. A road runs along the west coast, the reef is close in to shore, you can dive many sites in near-aquarium class conditions, at many navigation is nearly a non-issue, a number of resorts have buffet-style 'all you can dive' unlimited tanks (with free nitrox upgrade common) facilitate this dive style, and you can dive 24/7. Fairly easy to get 20+ dives into a week, which is a lot for a non-live-aboard trip. Airfare can be steep; resort + diving are usually fairly cheap, and with shore diving, you don't need to tip. There's boat diving for people who want it.

3.) Cozumel - high viz., warm water, ride the current drift diving, varied reef topography at different sites, a number of very reputable op.s meeting different needs (e.g.: steel 120's at Living Underwater and Aldora), some big stuff (e.g.: saw a big black grouper, and a large eagle ray, both up close on a dive at the Santa Rosa site), off an island considered pretty safe (though part of Mexico), and Cozumel trips are famous for being a good overall budget value trip that people still love.

4.) Saba - I haven't been. From what I understand, a lush, beautiful island, where you may have some current but the underwater pinnacle diving at least sounded 'special' to me. Some people love Saba. From what I've read, the plane landing bring you in can be something of an adventure itself.

5.) Bahamas - I haven't been. If I ever get to go, I hope to do the AquaCat live-aboard. But the reason I included the Bahamas here was a specialty site, Tiger Beach, where some op.s can put you in the water with a decent chance of cageless diving with a tiger shark. Like the 14 foot Emma the Abernathy has taken divers to see. And the Bahamas is famous for shark dives. Since sharks are high on a lot of divers 'want to see' list, the Bahamas bear a mention. I get the impression it may be the premier shark destination in the Caribbean? Or do some of you know better?

Honorable mention to Curacao, which for whatever reasons doesn't seem to command quite as much mind share on the forum as Bonaire, but has some advantages with some from what I'm told. Here's a link to a thread on Curacao vs. Bonaire for those interested.


Richard, why no inclusion of West Palm Beach/Boynton/Jupiter ?
If you have not seen this before, the video shows our yearly baitfish run ( like Sardine run in Africa, but better), then it shows the pretty coral reefs we have....then the Huge monster fish....and then the wonders of the BHB Marine Park.....
Also see www.facebook.com/WILD.DIVING

West Caicos/French Cay in the Turks and Caicos. Long boat ride but lots to do in Provo. Lots of life on those sites with reef sharks guaranteed each dive.

As for vis, it's ok in Coz at the moment. 35' vis on Monday, kinda like the St Lawrence back home. Avg 70'-80' vis

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