DIR DISCLAIMER DIR DISCLAIMER - non DIR response ahead but may be applicable depending on where you are divingcancun mark:I recently switched from sausage to yellow 40 kg lift bag as a standard smb. the locals thought I was nuts until they realised you can see it for much further. there is an interesting thread somewhere (maybe TDS) wheree someone tested and took photos of divverent SMB's over different distances, the thread started over the 12 lost divers in the red sea accident last year.
Some operators have a protocol that red/orange SMB is normal usage, yellow SMB means the **** just hit the fan.
Its always good to check if that applies, as you may suddenly find a bunch of safety divers descend on you :11: , of course if you feel that conditions are bad and a huge yellow bag is needed for you to be seen and get you rescued i think that would take priority!
Edit - clever old Scuba board, even tho i had numbers instead of letters in my profanity they picked it up