Dina Dee Dive Report 12/30/2004

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Central Jersey
Well, we decided to get one last dive in for the year and headed out from the dock in 2' seas en route to the Mohawk with 11 divers plus crew .

Conditions were excellent as we tied in next to one of the boilers. First dive we encountered vis of 20' or so and had a bottom temp of 45. Not many fish or lobster were seen.

One diver (Tom Fagan) found the hole where alot of dredging had taken place during the regular season and found some pretty cool stuff (i.e. salt/pepper shakers, razor parts, part of the perfume bottles, etc...). Tom had the prize of the day which was a brass skeleton key, which when cleaned up a little, had "Mohawk" on one side and "68" on the other!

Capt. Tom fired up the barbq and we feasted on spicy sausage, hot dogs and burgers during the surface interval. Then the sun came out...

As we began our 2nd dive of the day, vis had grown to 30' or so with the addition of the sunlight. Most of us made our way to the hole in search of our own artifacts. Needless to say, there wasn't anything near 30' of vis in that hole.

Back up on the boat, everybody was showing off their collection of artifacts on the 45 minute ride back in. One heck of a day for December 30th.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year everybody!
Sounds like a great dive Brian. Have a Happy New year and hope to dive with you again in 05'

Back up on the boat, everybody was showing off their collection of artifacts on the 45 minute ride back in. One heck of a day for December 30th.
very nice. sorry i missed it. [i couldn't get out of work]
are you planning any more trips in jan?

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