I spent a lot of time deciding which digital camera I wanted to buy, and I ended up with the Canon S40. Make sure you take a look around at the review sites to check up on all the cameras mentioned here.
DPReview reviews of all the cameras mentioned so far:
More reviews of the S40:
You can also search any of these sites for reviews of the other cameras, and get ideas for other cameras you may want to look at.
My biggest problem with the S40: I can't charge the battery while it's in. I have to take it out and put it on the charger.
What I love about it: It takes sharp pictures, it allows complete control of all exposure options (if you know what you're doing and want that sort of control. it also has plenty of auto modes if you just want to point-n-shoot), and it's small enough to fit in a pocket (even with the waterproof housing, I could still fit it in an IQ pocket).
I purchased the camera from a local shop a few months ago for US $600, and the waterproof housing is available online from Canon for US $240. Amazon seems to claim that their
price on the camera is so low they can't show it. Crap. They also seem to have the waterproof case for
US $180. Why didn't I check them before I bought my waterproof case? *sigh*