The shop should have been up front on a total service estimate with you however, and I think most good shops will call you if they find an unanticipated problem that will drive the price well above the estimate.
Bingo. That's where the problem lay. He walked out thinking the total bill was going to be around $120 and was stunned--as I would be--when he returned to find out it was actually more than double.
Poor communication. And that's the shop's fault.
The repair bill on a washing machine and/or a used car is a spot on analogy. I drive a 20 year old Jeep with about 130,000 miles on it, so every time I take it in for service technically my car's totalled. I just spent $400 on new, but certainly nothing special, tires. Still, I wouldn't be surprised to come out of the house one morning to find my Jeep up on blocks.