Diabetes and Tech diving

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Scuba Instructor
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Chicago Area (Naperville to be exact)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Are there any known requirments or limitations for technical diving for people with diabetes? I've looked on TDI's web site and there is no mention of diabetes. I'm just curious if any medical research has been done on diabetes and deep technical diving.
Diabetes is a contraindication for ALL diving in my Opinion. And yes, I mean dietary controlled as well as insulin dependant. As for technical diving, I wouldn't train a diabetic diver and I would not dive for pleasure with a diabetic diver. The risks are simply too great.
For starters, here is a general orietation to diving with diabetes. It's from one of my past Rodale's "Ask RSD" columns:

"Are there restrictions to diving with diabetes?" W.A., Bozeman, MT.

Diabetes, along with asthma & seizure disorder, ranks among the most controversial medical conditions affecting divers. Diabetes was considered by many in the medical & dive community as a contraindication to scuba until opinion began to change in the early & mid-1990s. At present, the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society and the YMCA have detailed protocols for approving diabetic divers, and British Sub-Aqua Club allows certification with clearance from a medical referee. DAN is currently conducting an extensive study of diabetic divers, and additional guidelines will very likely result. In addition, there is an outstanding dive program for diabetics age 17 and older, Camp DAVI (Diabetes Association of the Virgin Islands) located on St. John. It is operated by the University of the Virgin Islands and has diving diabetologists on staff, some of whom have the condition themselves.

As you know, the body uses the sugar glucose for fuel, and the hormone insulin is necessary for cells to metabolize it. In diabetes, the pancreas fails to secrete enough insulin, or the body's cells resist entry of insulin, and glucose builds to dangerous levels in the blood. The immediate result is cells are temporarily starved for energy, while over time damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart or peripheral nerves can occur. Signs and symptoms of diabetes can include intense hunger, thirst and tiredness, as well as weight loss, frequent urination, blurred vision, and even seizures and coma.

For the diabetic diver, the most worrisome immediate risk is blood glucose falling to a level where hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is precipitated. This can result from events such as too much insulin, alcohol or exercise, or too little or improper eating. An episode can cause weakness, tremor, sweatiness or chilling, irritability, alterations or loss of consciousness, and convulsions.

The diabetic must also be aware of the possibility of hyperglycemia occurring when insulin runs low enough that the body breaks down stored fat for energy. This process can eventuate in breathing difficulty, alterations or loss of consciousness & shock. If left untreated, both hypo & hyperglycemia can result in death.

While the criteria for clearance to dive differ among agencies, they generally include such things as a demonstrated understanding of diabetes, awareness of when a hypoglycemic episode is imminent, good control of the disease with no severe episodes within the past year, and no related abnormalities of the eyes, kidneys, heart or nerves which pose an additional risk. Some protocols include depth limitations to those above which nitrogen narcosis is likely to occur so as to avoid confusion of this phenomenon with a life-threatening hypoglycemic episode.

Clearly it is unwise to deny or minimize this condition to yourself, or hide it from your instructor or the ops with which you dive. If you have diabetes and want to dive, or are already diving without medical clearance, it is critical that you consult a physician to obtain an appropriate medical work up & permission to dive. Even after clearance to dive, it is prudent to carefully monitor blood glucose throughout the course of the dive trip, especially prior to a dive. Measurements at 1hr, 30min & 5-10min prior to a dive would not be excessive. Finally, bring on board whatever substances you use for controlling abnormal glucose levels, and make sure your dive buddy also carries & knows how to use them."

The YMCA diabetic protocol can be veiwed here---> http://www.ymcascuba.org/ymcascub/diabetic.html

DAN & BASC guideline can be viewed here----> http://www.scuba-doc.com/endmet.html#Diabetes_and_Diving

As regards tech diving in particular, I know of no studies that have this as a primary focus. Of course, the increased physical & psychological demands of tech diving, along with the increased inherent risks, could suggest that a higher standard be applied.

Hope you found this informative.

Your position appears to run contrary to the world's largest dive training agencies, and to some of world's most recognized dive medicine organizations & experts.

As such, I'd be interested in hearing about the empirical & theoretical bases for your opinion that "diabetes is a contraindication for ALL diving," and your stance that you "would not dive for pleasure with a diabetic diver."

Best regards.

I realize that MY OPINION (notice the caps- MY OPINION) runs contrary to DAN, training agencies, etc. AND IN MY OPINION it is a greater risk than I am willing to take both as an instructor and as a diver. I have no desire whatsoever to encounter a situation where I am trying to control a class and a diabetic student begins to have problems. I have no desire to be 3000' back in a cave system and have a member of my dive team have a diabetic episode. I have no desire to be penetrating a wreck and have a member of my dive team experience a diabetic episode.

As a dive instructor I have the option of not accepting and/or not certifying students. I feel that diabetes is a contra indication. If other instructors do not, more power to them. As a diver I am subject to something called free will. I do things that can be life threatening (cave diving, wreck penetrations, etc.) I believe in stacking the deck in my favor- ie maintaining good mental and physical fitness, using th correct gas mixes, using quality, well maintained, reliable equipment, and choosing my dive partners carefully. I feel that diabetics diving is simply too big a risk, and not one that I AM WILLING TO TAKE.

Sorry if you take offense at MY OPINION, but you will notice on my first post that I stated there as well that it was MY OPINION.
I merely asked about the empirical & theoretical bases for your opinions, of which there are apparently none.

IMHO, it is fortunate that other instructors have other, and informed, opinions or seemingly divers with all manner of manageable medical conditions would not be enjoying scuba.

Best regards.

I have no objections with your opinion. But it is an opinion with no facts backing it. One problem I have seen is that many instructors and dive masters know nothing about medical conditions that people may have who dive with them. There are people (like myself) how are in excellent control of their diabetes and can do all the things a "normal" person can do. I've had insulin dependant diabetes for five years and I haven't had one problem or complication. I know my physical limits and if an activity is out of my range, I don't do it. I am also overly-conservative when preparing for these activities. Would it surprise you to know that I also have a pilots license? FAA medical exams are much more in depth than what most dive training agencies require. But this is a completly different topic than doing technical dives with diabetes.
I am glad that you are able to all the things any other person can do. You asked about technical diving. Technical diving is much more intensive than recreational diving. I would ask you to seriously question and consider your decisiont o undertake these activities, given your condition, becuase you not only impact YOUR safety and well being, but also the safety and well being of the REST OF YOUR TEAM.

As for knowledge of diabetes and empirical data- I only spent 20 years watching as the disease slowly and mercialessly killed my grandmother. I have tested blood sugar, given the insulin injections seen the seizures and the effects of prolonged dialysis- so dont tell me that I dont know anything about the disease. I also have 2 cousins who are diabetic, and function very well, except when they fail to control thier illness.
...chickdiver.... given your heredary predisposition to diabetes... would you give up diving if you find yourself at some future point a diabetic? Even dietary controlled diabetes? Just technical or all diving?
jhnsndn once bubbled...
Would it surprise you to know that I also have a pilots license? FAA medical exams are much more in depth than what most dive training agencies require. .

Yes it would. It amazes me that you can have a license to fly a plane but can not get a licence to drive a truck, bus , or any other commercial vehicle in the US with insulin controled Diabetes. I have seen several CDLs get yanked when the driver could no long control his blood sugar via Diet.

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