DG-03 acted up

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Reaction score
Southern California
# of dives
100 - 199
Hey yall I had a weird thing happen with my DG-03 the other day.

On the boat ride out to the dive site I was setting everything up and the computer would not go into NORM mode, it kept jumping into FREE diving instead. I would put it in NORM and the NORM sign would just flash then go to free. I had no clue what to do and tried everything I knew so I put it in the freshwater rinse. After about 5 minutes I took it out and it went to NORM no problem and everything worked well for the rest of the day.

Has anyone had any similar problems or know a reason why my computer locked up?

---------- Post added January 4th, 2013 at 03:43 PM ----------

Also on the self test it said the battery was good and the computer had been out of the water for a week, no violations made. at home I took the battery out and tested it and there was plenty of voltage and amperage.
I had a similar thing happen with mine on a trip in Februrary. I figured it out though. While changing between FREE, NORM, and GAUGE mode, you will see it blink. If you don't then press the M button to set while the desired mode is blinking, it will stop blinking and revert back to what you were previously on as far as mode. I accidentally set it to a different mode and took me a couple minutes to figure it out. Also know that if you do a dive in GAUGE mode by accident you will be locked into that for 24 hours. I luckily caught it before the dive. Would have been dive day over. Hope this helps!

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