Destination choice?

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Ok, Here is the deal if you had two to three weeks what would you chose? Thailand for a week or so then to PNG- Or Palu and another island Truk or Yap. Or something else? Must be Pacific I have not been past Hawaii.
on my wish list - except Thailand as I was there at the New Year and I'll probably be back.

That's a very tough choice - I think I would go for Palau and Truk.

Is there anything specific you want to do diving wise? And when are you travelling? That might help it narrow it down a bit.

Not sure of travel dates at this time but was told Feb is good for Palu.Always wanted to go to Truk but Thailand at night is something I would like to see. Would like a live aboard for a week in Thailand. And PNG has got me interested in a trip there. But if I travel to any of the above it would have to be for 2 to 3 weeks. Which location has the best diving?
Alot depends on what you really want out of the diving. If you love wrecks, go to Truk for at least a week. If you are more interested in seeing mantas or sharks or other creatures, go to Yap or Palau. I would probably tend to avoid the mainland sites and places like PNG where the politics are less stable at least for the foreseeable future. Just based on what I have read, and knowing that I am more of a creature person than a wreck person (hate confined area diving) I would do a week on a liveaboard in Palau, and a land based week in Yap. Good luck with wherever you choose and have a blast!


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