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Wherever I hang my hat
Hello everyone. Thank you for the warm welcome to this site.

A little bit about me ... well, I was born in Canada, which makes me Canadian, but my parents are from America, which makes me American, and though I grew up in Toronto, I've also lived some years in New York as well as Kyoto. And during all this time, I've done quite a bit of travelling and picked up my PADI license along the way. That's about it really.

Worked five years in education, first as a teacher, then in materials development. Worked too hard. But saved some cash. So then I quit. Now I'm (and for the next year or so) I'm a full time traveller. Tough life isn't it.

Got some destinations ahead of me, where my membership here will help me some: Indonesia, Seychelles, Mombasa, Tahiti, Samoa, Micronesia. I'll be hopping around the globe!

Anyone got any words of advice?
Hi 8newk8... Welcome to the scuba-board from Michigan USA!

Dive Safe!
Welcome to the board 8newk8.

Words of advice?? yeah I do...take a fellow Canuck with you

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