Destin Jetties dive report 9/10/04

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Reaction score
Florida Panhandle
# of dives
200 - 499
The weather was a little cloudy today but no hurricane yet. High tide was 7:57 am and I hit the water at 8:15 am. Viz was less than average at about 15'. Temperature was a cold 78 degrees - I could have used my shortie today but survived for an hour and twenty minutes with no ill effects. I stayed on the north side of the rocks and saw one group of students and a couple more divers. Saw the usual sea life plus a yellow tang of some kind. There were very few snorklers when I ended the dive - I guess the season is over :luxhello: . The couple told me after the dive that they had seen a turtle there today. Here are some pics of some old friends:
Seems like a fun dive regardless of the less than average visibility. The only saltwater turtle I've come across while diving was at the Destin Jeddies(and no camera at hand that day! arg.). Hopefully, I'll get some pics of the turtle this weekend along with that tang :)
Seems like a fun dive regardless of the less than average visibility. The only saltwater turtle I've come across while diving was at the Destin Jeddies(and no camera at hand that day! arg.). Hopefully, I'll get some pics of the turtle this weekend along with that tang :)
I got some yellow fuzzball pictures. The tang was moving as fast as the doctorfish do - kinda looks like a yellow doctor. The camera does not seem to focus well on their coloring for some reason.
Carla at scubatech says that that turtle has been hanging around for a while - I've never seen it yet. May be it will be there for you tomorrow.

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