Destin Jetties 8/1 & 8/2 - Anyone?

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I'm a Texas swamp diver that will be in Destin this Sunday & Monday (8/1 - 8/2) and I am would like to make a boat dive (probably Scuba Tech) one of those days and would also like to check out the Destin Jetties the other. If anyone is going to be diving the jetties either one of those days, please email me. I would love to check out the jetties with someone that knows their way around....

This is my wife's email address, but she has wireless email on her Blackberry gadget thingie, so I'll get it no matter what. Thanks!

Trey Duhon

p.s. You guys are so lucky that you got the U.S.S. Oriskany! We wanted that thing pretty bad over here in Texas.
D'Oh, I'll be there around 10:30AM 7/31! I can give you a map to the jeddies itself, if you want.

You'll notice parking on the right side of the road starting about 1-.5 miles from the dead end. On the left side of the road, where that parking begins, there is a small trail heading into the dunes and then to the jeddies. There are a small sign or two marking the public entrance location and a small shower-head as well.
I'll join you in spirit, my schedule has me tied up in knots! Hope you have a good dive - ScubaTech is great.
TiggerB ended up diving with us yesterday. It was an awesome day. We hit the Angelina ~120 - 130 ft, then the paddlewheel boat ~100, and finished with the pheonix ~80. There were amberjacks, slipper lobsters, tons of fish, even dolphins! Let me know if you all want to join us sometime.

Have a great day,
I had an awesome dive trip with Karl, Stacy & John this past weekend. Three good dives on wrecks ranging from 130' to 80'. Water clarity was iffy until you got below 50' or so, then it improved significantly.

All of the wrecks were fun to dive, especially the Paddlewheeler. Saw lots of Amberjack, a few slippers, and lots of fish on the wrecks.

The highlight for me was during my surface interval. I was waiting for Karl & Stacy to finish their dives and decided to cool off in the water behind the boat. Was about to climb out when John informed me that a pod of dolphins was heading towards us. He threw me my mask & snorkel and my camera and a pod of dolphins (maybe 3 females with a few juveniles) approached me and swam around me for at least 10 minutes or so. It was incredible. I got some amazing pictures and video with my digital camera. They almost came close enough to touch, but I refrained for various reasons (legal and moral).

It was a once in a lifetime experience. Many many thanks to Karl & Stacy for their hospitality.

Here's a few more from the dive trip. The scorpionfish was taken while snorkeling on the Jestin jetties. Anyone know what the last fish is? It looked pregnant.

Here's a few more from the dive trip. The scorpionfish was taken while snorkeling on the Jestin jetties. Anyone know what the last fish is? It looked pregnant.

The fish is a soapfish. Soapfish are related to the grouper family. I've seen them at the Destin Jetties before.
The soapfish is pretty common around the area, whether it be shore dives or deeper wreck dives. They're usually pretty calm and make for a good photo-subject :)

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