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Well, believe it or not, she has picked a good place. Colorado has (depending upon whose statistics you believe) among the top three number of divers in the nation per capita. There are a number of very fine dive shops and instructors in the Denver Metropolitan area.
ScubaBoard is a huge site, overwhelming to someone coming to it for the first time. Although the New Divers forum you have chosen for this question seems like a logical good place for it, a better place would be in the regional forum for the Denver area, the Rocky Mountain Oysters. If you scroll down the main page, you will find a regional travel and clubs section, which is where you will find us, the divers with an altitude. The people who can give you the best advice will read that forum but may not go into this forum.
I am going to ask that your question be moved to that forum.
Once it is there, you may want to give a little more specific information about where she lives so that people can zero in on what's reasonably near to her.