DEMA 2003 Pictures

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Nice going guys on the photos!

For those in attendence, I take it the new handset with integrated deco computer will be the same used for the Inspiration that is retrofittable to existing units.

I am not sure what to make of it having a single handset though on the wrist as opposed to a second hose based computer.

The Co2 monitor should be interesting, and I will guess ExtendAire has made their Inspiration scrubber cartridge in such a manner that the internal temperature monitor still goes down the center.

I have Bob Howell's DSV/OC retrofitted to my turtle and I gotta say what a nice "piece of kit" as they say in the UK. Since the Inspiration Heads Up Display seems to mount to last fixing ring, it should still work, as there is no way I will give up the DSV after reading about guys' C02 hit accounts.

It is rather nice AP has been eyeballing the aftermarket with all the Hammerhead goings on and wasn't asleep at the wheel, now they just need to copy that HUD Jans site had that had a little tiny display screen with numerical info displayed.

By the way, since we seem to be mired in acronyms and abbreviations, what does DIR mean?

Lastly, I have e-mailed via the website several times here about using my own avatar, even sending it to them for incousion along with my posts, but they have steadfastly ignored me. ideas? Hate mail?
Great Pic's....I really liked the fit and finish on the Meg....the head reminded me of the ultra high quality machine work of the Cis-Lunar stack. I like the availability of the three canister sizes. Kevin Juergensen was showing off the Hammerhead...looked awesome! Tons of features...I wonder if the feature set of the not yet available Evolution was a knock-off of the Hammerhead? Many of the things that made the Hammerhead so revolutionary seem to have spread to some of the other units that will soon be available. (DIVA...the vibrating mouthpiece seemed to be appearing on every unit this year, integrated deco w/ gradient factors, low power draw, etc.) The Evolution looked pretty nice, too. Doesn't have the same super high quality "one off" look of some of the more limited production units (Meg/Hammerhead), but does have a mass produced look that will be appealing to some users. Also, the availability of parts for an AP product will likely be superior. The Ouroboros (Kevin Gurr) looked a lot like a giant MK15/16 series rig. It did have many differences (separate inhale and exhale counter lungs, but in the same general location as a MK15/16 but made out of some sort of fabric. The scrubber also looked very different) The unit was only a prototype, but did look VERY large.... larger than a 16 and presumably as heavy...or heavier. It did have killer hoses, though. Best I've seen.... they said they were off of a military fighter. Prisim was showing off a Heads Down Display that looked reminiscent of an old camcorder black and white viewfinder in a machined delrin case. (It was hooked up to a laptop hidden under the table.... didn’t appear to have a functional dive computer driving it.... but the concept looked good.) Gordon Smiths NanoBooster looked awesome...can't wait 'till I get mine! Also, after long conversation with him about the KISS concept, it seemed like a great addition to any Electronic CCR as well. All in all, DEMA 2003 was a fun show for rebreather enthusiasts.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...
Nice going guys on the photos!
Thanks. To you too, I-fish.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...

For those in attendence, I take it the new handset with integrated deco computer will be the same used for the Inspiration that is retrofittable to existing units.
That's what Nikki said. Handsets and HUD are going to be the same. But the head is different. The Evo's sits inside the scrubber, it won't fit the Inspiration.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...

I am not sure what to make of it having a single handset though on the wrist as opposed to a second hose based computer.
The Evo still has two controllers and two displays. The handset contains the master, the head the slave. The handset has multiple screens, one of which displays the ppO2 readings for both controllers. The HUD has two sets of red and green LEDs, one for each controller. The head still has two seperate batteries. I like the Evo controls better, even without the computer (which by the way is supposed to be an option). Ought to be good to finish the dive, though I wonder how you would switch (or if you can adjust) setpoints.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...

The Co2 monitor should be interesting, and I will guess ExtendAire has made their Inspiration scrubber cartridge in such a manner that the internal temperature monitor still goes down the center.
I didn't see the inside of the Evo's scrubber, so I don't know the layout. I also don't know if the thermo monitor will be available for the Inspiration at all, as an option or be standard.
I doubt you can fit anything thicker than a needle in the center of the cartridge. If they would need to design a different one, I assume they would want some units out first to have some demand for it. Same I guess for Evo cartridges. Then again, if scrubber times increase as much as they claim (by 1hr), combined with the ease of use I'm sure there will be demand.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...

It is rather nice AP has been eyeballing the aftermarket with all the Hammerhead goings on and wasn't asleep at the wheel, now they just need to copy that HUD Jans site had that had a little tiny display screen with numerical info displayed.
That's one way of looking at it. 'Knocking off' is another. Somebody on I&VR3 board posted he saw a bailout mouthpiece that looked really nice in the factory this summer. The sheet for the Evo at the show headlined different paragraphs with 'emulate', 'innovate' and 'evolve'. Emulating Bob Howell (ADV, OC/DSV) and Kevin Juergensen (integrated computer, HUD/DIVA)? They put a lot of work and money into their designs, I wish they would have protected them better. Bob's been down and out, at least Kevin and his HH are still ahead. Not only by one handset, but that one will get a pressure transducer and new software. Then the HH will be two deco computers/controlers with the additional HUD/DIVA and still be ahead in controlling setpoints. :D
And yes, Peter Ready's deco-HUD for the Prism is phantastic. One of the few things I missed on the Prism was real time display of all three cells at the same time. Just that would have done it for me, even more so as a HUD. Getting deco with it is awesome. Maybe he learns from Bob's & Kevin's mistake and finds something patentable in his design/engineering before APD knocks it off.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...

By the way, since we seem to be mired in acronyms and abbreviations, what does DIR mean?
Doing It Right, the way of dive and life taught by GUE (Global Underwater Explorers). As in 'No Stroke'.
For you Diving Inspiration Rebreather. :wink:
caveseeker7 once bubbled...

Thanks. To you too, I-fish.

That's what Nikki said. Handsets and HUD are going to be the same. But the head is different. The Evo's sits inside the scrubber, it won't fit the Inspiration.

The Evo still has two controllers and two displays. The handset contains the master, the head the slave. The handset has multiple screens, one of which displays the ppO2 readings for both controllers. The HUD has two sets of red and green LEDs, one for each controller. The head still has two seperate batteries. I like the Evo controls better, even without the computer (which by the way is supposed to be an option). Ought to be good to finish the dive, though I wonder how you would switch (or if you can adjust) setpoints.

I didn't see the inside of the Evo's scrubber, so I don't know the layout. I also don't know if the thermo monitor will be available for the Inspiration at all, as an option or be standard.
I doubt you can fit anything thicker than a needle in the center of the cartridge. If they would need to design a different one, I assume they would want some units out first to have some demand for it. Same I guess for Evo cartridges. Then again, if scrubber times increase as much as they claim (by 1hr), combined with the ease of use I'm sure there will be demand.

That's one way of looking at it. 'Knocking off' is another. Somebody on I&VR3 board posted he saw a bailout mouthpiece that looked really nice in the factory this summer. The sheet for the Evo at the show headlined different paragraphs with 'emulate', 'innovate' and 'evolve'. Emulating Bob Howell (ADV, OC/DSV) and Kevin Juergensen (integrated computer, HUD/DIVA)? They put a lot of work and money into their designs, I wish they would have protected them better. Bob's been down and out, at least Kevin and his HH are still ahead. Not only by one handset, but that one will get a pressure transducer and new software. Then the HH will be two deco computers/controlers with the additional HUD/DIVA and still be ahead in controlling setpoints. :D
And yes, Peter Ready's deco-HUD for the Prism is phantastic. One of the few things I missed on the Prism was real time display of all three cells at the same time. Just that would have done it for me, even more so as a HUD. Getting deco with it is awesome. Maybe he learns from Bob's & Kevin's mistake and finds something patentable in his design/engineering before APD knocks it off.

Doing It Right, the way of dive and life taught by GUE (Global Underwater Explorers). As in 'No Stroke'.
For you Diving Inspiration Rebreather. :wink:

The "vibrating" heads-up on the evolution and other will probably never make it to the states, and who knows if they will be able to sell elsewhere.. Kevin patented the vibrating alerter in the head-up.. If they try to ignore his patents, by law he can have the products seized when they enter the country..

Martin has seen the hammerhead since the beginning, and at BTS last march he really looked over my unit.. its no doubt he borrowed many of the ideas..
What do you think, PSP, maybe he lets me have a seized one for cheap.
Wasn't planning on an Evo, but at the right price ... . :D
Hi Ryan,

It was lovely meeting you at the show. Sorry we didn't get together longer, but its always good putting a face to the name.

The laptop was actually running the powerpoint presentation which was on the podum to the left side of the HDD - it was under the table because I was using a friend's CRT screen and couldn't fit them both on the available table top.

The wire you saw running from the HDD was a power lead plugged into an external power supply as back-up, we did this because it was running for the entire show.

The housing was not delrin but actually the same semi-ceramic epoxy we use for molding the heads, although we did do some post machining work on it. The goal is to reduce its size to where our present LED HDD is.

Best Wishes,

Prisim was showing off a Heads Down Display that looked reminiscent of an old camcorder black and white viewfinder in a machined delrin case. (It was hooked up to a laptop hidden under the table.... didn’t appear to have a functional dive computer driving it.... but the concept looked good.)
silly question,
What is a HDD? Mounted on the back of the rebreather?

Pretty much the same as a Head Up Display (HUD) - data gets displayed in your field of vision, so you don't have to look away from whatever it is you're looking at.

Several RBs offer HUD. I believe the Cis-Lunar the first, or that 'bulb' on the Carltons (it is rather large). The latter still have that, afaik, the current Prism, the Hammerhead, the Megalodon and now the Evolution and Ourobors all have HUD LEDs.

The HDD shown by Steam Machines at DEMA actually has a data screen, which is in focus while you look at a distance. It shows the deco computers info, as well as the readout for the three O2 cells.

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