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DING DING DING DING We have a winner folks. Cave Diver, COME ON DOWN. You were right CD, but that really means nothing unless the words are spoken by a woman :rofl3: which never happens

I deleted a post from this thread yesterday. I'm not a sponsor...

When I hit 'edit' and the new window pops up I'm given the options: 'save' 'go advanced' 'delete' and 'cancel'.
Me? Nothing. I just wanted to give more to :sblogo: because I enjoy using it and appreciate having it.

yet we have no clue what it is that you're paying extra for to sponsor? :rofl3:

Posted via Mobile Device
And some red rope on wayne. Party on garth.

Pete probably added the delete feature hoping I would delete my own posts. Thus saving his good people the time :D

man do I have some Kool Aid I need to sell you... :rofl3:

Posted via Mobile Device
Pete probably added the delete feature hoping I would delete my own posts. Thus saving his good people the time...

[-]I'd become a sponsor in a heartbeat if I could delete your posts![/-] :evil:

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I'd become a sponsor in a heartbeat if I could delete your posts! :evil:


You can allways request a for a MOD function.:D


You can be online 24/7 (mandatory)
You can edit each and every post you see.(big fun)
And you can delete all of ScubaSteve's posts you want.:rofl3:

You also will get less sleep and 500% more PM's,witch is covered by a MUCH larger PMbox.:rofl3:

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