Deet Question

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New York City
I will be going to Cocoview Feb12-19 and was wondering about how many bottles of deet I should bring with me. Is one enough, or will I go through it like water? I was in Provo earlier this year and got eaten alive by no seeums there: yes, they are over there, it looked like I had measles. Also, is Deet something that is sold "straight up" or does it come mixed with various other things? I guess what I am asking is whether there is a particular product (I guess containing Deet) that most people use when going to areas like this. Any input wouldbe appreciated. Thanks.
When I'm in the backcountry during mosquito season around here, I have to apply the stuff every 6 hours or so, and I go through about an ounce every two days.

You can buy DEET in lots of concentrations. You can buy 100% just fine, but it does a great job of dissolving plastic things like wristwatches and ink. I usually have good luck with 30%.

Another product you should look at is Pernaone, which contains Permethrin. It's a odor-free non-toxic insecticide that's meant to be applied to clothing. You basically spray everything you're going to wear with it, let it dry, then the stuff is insect repellent for about two weeks or a couple of washings. You will use less DEET and the bugs won't bite you through your clothing or socks. Great product, definitely pick some up.

You can pick it up at your local EMS or pretty much anywhere that sells camping gear.
Great info Jonnythan. I am going to go pick some of that up and see if it effects my girlfriend. Have been having a hard time finding a product to repel that wouldn't bother her. This being oderless I might actually have a chance of being able to use it.. Thanks again,

I will be going to Cocoview Feb12-19 and was wondering about how many bottles of deet I should bring with me. Is one enough, or will I go through it like water?QUOTE]

More to the point... bring three bottles. ONE at your doorway table as you exit your Cabana, TWO in the dive lockers so you can spritz when egressing from a shore dive, THREE to take along on the boat dives, give yourself a blast before hitting the pier.

The straight story? (at least that's my version) as found on CoCoChat for CCV bound divers.

Deet early, Deet often. Sand flies are evrywhere in the Caribbean, but the Bay Islands have the best sand flies.
Corigan.. the Permethrin is a great product, but it's not a repellent. It will not keep the bugs away from you, it works by killing them when they contact your clothing. It will do nothing for insects that land on your skin.

The best combination is, by far, Permethrin on the clothing, DEET on exposed skin, and a little extra DEET on feet and clothing just to make sure the insects stay away.

There are no insect repellents anywhere near the effectiveness of DEET, and all of those that do work to some extent (none work for more than an hour) do so, it seems, by smelling so awful insects stay away. They invariably contain very pungent vegetable oils like eucalyptus, citronella, and lemon. The effectiveness goes down as the actual scent wears away. I've tried them all, and they're all awful and smell worse than DEET.

Unfortunate fact of life.
I will add my 2 psi worth about DEET. Be sure to get the type with a pump rather than a pressurized can, as sometimes they will confiscate them at the airport on your return trip. :11:
thank you all for your input. I will buy ben's 30% deet pump spray. several bottles. They have a higher concentration: like 90% but that sounds too scary.

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