Deer Creek Sunday 11/23

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Steve was delicious!
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200 - 499
Hey Everybody,

Rich (TroupH20), Andrew and I are going to give Deer Creek a try on Sunday @ 8AM. This will be my 1st trip back into the water after 10 months of being out. All are welcome.

If the weather turns, or somthing does not look good for Sunday in PV I'll be their......
I was at Deer Creek on the 9th and had excellent visibility, I lost a very expensive prescription mask in the surf though while exiting. It had a clear frame, and coke-bottle thick lenses built into it. I know it's a long shot but if you happen to see it and grab it, I'll owe you big time. Have an awesome dive guys!
I was at Deer Creek on the 9th and had excellent visibility, I lost a very expensive prescription mask in the surf though while exiting. It had a clear frame, and coke-bottle thick lenses built into it. I know it's a long shot but if you happen to see it and grab it, I'll owe you big time. Have an awesome dive guys!

We will keep an eye open. Sometimes luck appears!
Greg, It was excellent diving with you again. I love Deer Creek, especially when there is 30+ vis. I don't think I've ever seen the sandy bottom before descending at the kelp beds. What a great day. Lets do it again during the Thanksgiving weekend.

jmh805, I'm sorry to say that we did not find your mask.
Yes - It was definitely great to get back in the water again. Thanks again to you and your son for going out with me. I still can't believe how good the vis was - insane. I definitely haven't ever seen deer creek that good.

Keep me posted about your schedule for the holiday - I'm sure we can work something out.

Sorry jmh - no mask.
Sounds like you guys had as good as a time as we did down south with 30+ foot Viz no Surf or swell :)

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