J.S. Haldane worked on decompression for sandhogs -- guys working long hours doing contruction of things like bridge piers in pressurized caissons. He came to the conclusion that a 2 to 1 ratio was safe for saturation exposures. In other words, one could go to 33' for any length of time and then ascend directly to the surface.
33' is is now considered overly agressive. Most modern decompression models will allow you to saturate (stay for days) and then ascend directly to sea level from around 20' to 25', depending upon the model.
8' is nowhere near these limits and I would have no qualms about staying at 8' for a couple of days, and then ascending.
If you are really paranoid, you could always use nitrox. Use EAN36, for example, and your partial pressure of nitrogen would be the same as being at sea level.
Charlie Allen