December Roll Call

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Got it. Awesome lot of PM's coming, responded to all. Will post the update about WhatsApp group and hopefully will have constant communication with All. Thank you to all for support especially my new BFF @deepsea21 :clearmask::clearmask:
Just booked!

12/30 - 1/6
H2ODoc, Wife, 3 teenagers - all diving
Peninsula Grand
Diving with Aldora
Member ............................................. Dates .................. Staying ...................... Dive OP

MMM....................................................All Winter..............House on 15th................Living Underwater
northernone + Various Family..............All Month..............25th Ave........................????????????
Ozarksman + Non Diving Wife..........11/26 - 12/10.........Park Royal.....................Blue XTSea<--New Gear to try out
Antor...................................................12/2 - 12/6.............Casa Mexicana..............Deep Blue <--(Long Time Lurker)
gopbroek............................................12/3 - 12/12...........?????????????.............Tres Pelicanos <--(repeat offenders)
Kixy1 + 2............................................12/8 - 12/16...........El Cantil..........................Living Underwater
ReefHound + watermonkee..............12/9 - 12/14...........Hotel Cozumel................Undecided
Kevin and Karen James ...................12/9-12/22.............Iberosta...........................Dressel
Deepsea21 + Much Better Half......12/9 - 12/24........Casa Mexicana........Tres Pelicanos <-- Inspired to start the thread
Vic K & Mrs........................................12/16 - 12/25........Casa Mexicana...............Tres Pelicanos
Flyboy(Paul) + Wife + Daughter........12/16 - 12/23........Occidental.......................Prodive
Basscat.............................................12/16 - 12/23.........Hotel Plaza Cozumel.....Blue XT Sea
Mr. & Mrs. Manfrenjensenden............12/17 - 12/25........Occidental......................Dive with Martin
JC & K................................................12/17 - 12/27....... Casa Mexicana..............Tres Pelicanos
DogBowl & Hubby..............................12/19 - 12/26........Casa Mexicana..............Tres Pelicanos
Alan P, Wife and Daughter.................12/20-12/27..........Hotel Cozumel...............Tres Pelicanos
Trailboss(aka - Greg) + dive buddy....12/21 - 12/31........Suites Colonial...............Blue XT Sea
RayfromTX + Mrsmeaux....................12/24 - 01/06........Avenue 15......................Servando and Boat Du Jour
rmssetc + non-diving spouse............12/24 - 01/04........Casa Mexicana...............Liquid blue Divers
H2ODoc + Wife + 3 Kids...................12/30 - 01/06........Peninsula Grand.............Aldora
Mikeycanuk, wife and teenage son (all diving) Dec 23- Jan 6 Casa on 85th (back in da hood!) Aldora

Yea nothing happened for a Xmas dinner last year. We went to El Morro and had delicious pozole. Was quiet and was glad to give them the biz as they made the effort to open. Had a fun walk back through the hood during the 45 minutes it took to get back to the Aldora villas.
A couple of years ago a bunch of us got together at El Moro for dinner from the board but we were all diving with Aldora so it made it easy to coordinate the time and place.
Member ............................................. Dates .................. Staying ...................... Dive OP

MMM....................................................All Winter..............House on 15th................Living Underwater
northernone + Various Family..............All Month..............25th Ave........................????????????
Ozarksman + Non Diving Wife..........11/26 - 12/10.........Park Royal.....................Blue XTSea<--New Gear to try out
Antor...................................................12/2 - 12/6.............Casa Mexicana..............Deep Blue <--(Long Time Lurker)
gopbroek............................................12/3 - 12/12...........?????????????.............Tres Pelicanos <--(repeat offenders)
Kixy1 + 2............................................12/8 - 12/16...........El Cantil..........................Living Underwater
ReefHound + watermonkee..............12/9 - 12/14...........Hotel Cozumel................Undecided
Kevin and Karen James ...................12/9-12/22.............Iberosta...........................Dressel
Deepsea21 + Much Better Half......12/9 - 12/24........Casa Mexicana........Tres Pelicanos <-- Inspired to start the thread
Vic K & Mrs........................................12/16 - 12/25........Casa Mexicana...............Tres Pelicanos
Flyboy(Paul) + Wife + Daughter........12/16 - 12/23........Occidental.......................Prodive
Basscat.............................................12/16 - 12/23.........Hotel Plaza Cozumel.....Blue XT Sea
Mr. & Mrs. Manfrenjensenden............12/17 - 12/25........Occidental......................Dive with Martin
JC & K................................................12/17 - 12/27....... Casa Mexicana..............Tres Pelicanos
DogBowl & Hubby..............................12/19 - 12/26........Casa Mexicana..............Tres Pelicanos
Alan P, Wife and Daughter.................12/20-12/27..........Hotel Cozumel...............Tres Pelicanos
Trailboss(aka - Greg) + dive buddy....12/21 - 12/31........Suites Colonial...............Blue XT Sea
Mikeycanuk + Wife + Son...................12/23 - 01/06.......Casa on 85th..................Aldora
RayfromTX + Mrsmeaux....................12/24 - 01/06........Avenue 15......................Servando and Boat Du Jour
rmssetc + non-diving spouse............12/24 - 01/04........Casa Mexicana...............Liquid blue Divers
H2ODoc + Wife + 3 Kids...................12/30 - 01/06........Peninsula Grand.............Aldora
@Alan P I will start a WhatsApp group by 1st week of December where everyone can post where they are going for the afternoon/evening, so people can join if they so wish. Will send a reminder if someone wants to join soon.
Dan G + 2 families .............. 12/24-1/1 ............. Sabor .............. Blue Angel and Blue Project

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