I disagree that what String is saying has selfish motives, but that's irrelevant... Selfish shouldn't be illegal. Shunned, discouraged, socially unacceptable, perhaps, but not a government "area of interest." Being selfish - and accepting the consequences - is just part of freedom.Yes I agree entirely everyone should be able to make their own choices, and indeed should be responsible for their own actions.
But what about people that make irresponsible choices and inadvertantly endanger other well intentioned divers that might try to rescue them.
What about other people that may not receive attention from emergency services as quickly as possible due to them attending divers that caused their own problems through their own irresponsible actions.
Unfortunately your attitude and consideration towards other people here seems blinkered and totally selfish to me. An attitude that regretably nowadays more and more people seem to subscribe to.
As for "inadvertantly endanger," I'd dare say that you'd be hard pressed to find a diver who endangers a rescuer on purpose. And a competent rescuer ain't going to let him/herself get endangered during a rescue attempt anyway, unless they decide to.
Emergency services must be professional enough to handle those who cry wolf without slacking up on those who are in real trouble. And as most emergency situations are due to "someone causing their own problems through their own irresponsible actions," that has nothing to do with the quality of the rescue attempt at all.