To put it bluntly, "taking away" sharks from a marine park which is intended to preserve a pristine marine environment for the sake of liveaboard bookings grossly perverts the whole purpose of marine conservation. Places like Cocos are a wilderness environment. Apex predators are a feature, not a bug.
Likewise, "taking away" apex predators is not going to "protect thousands of other animals;" that's an invitation to destabilize the ecosystem. I would advise looking up Dr. Michael Heithaus's research on the ecosystem effects of tiger shark predation in Shark Bay, Western Australia
Dr. Mario Espinoza, a former graduate school colleague of mine, is currently studying tiger sharks at Cocos (article in Spanish): Analizan comportamiento de tiburones de la Isla del Coco |
I agree 100% with you !
Thanks for the Michael Heithaus' video.
When I mention “protect thousands of other animals;" I mean to protect those animals from illegal fishing ! Not from the tiger shark .
I just say, cocos needs a lot of money to be able to combat “illegal fishing” and part of that money comes from divers.
Its hard for me to writte the idea clear , so I apologize for any misunderstand