So no one has heard any more details about this shocking tragedy?
Someone elsewhere heard the tiger was spotted coming up and she shot for the surface by herself, away from the group safety stop. It's the first thing I've heard that makes any sense in terms of why her, even though it is just hearsay. Still doesn't explain the DM also being bit unless he just got in the way.
I agree with you...This sounds to me like a most likely cause... This and possibly frightned thrashing fighting for her life, although the very first bite to the legs of a large tiger may have provoked already enough laceration for lethal bleeding ...The DM may have been as surprised and had to react/follow, then getting injured trying to help...I have been looking evrywhere to see if there are any eye witness accounts, but cannot find any. There should be some in a dive group of 18...if you know of any, I would appreciate to know where
Why am I interested ...I taught the victim--- a very dear friend back then--- to dive, 20 years ago, when we both lived in the Philippines...was always her dive buddy in those times...I was the experienced diver, she was an absolute beginner then...we have not had regular contact since years, nor dived together of course, so I dont really know how her skills evolved,...she was recreational and surely not diving "all the time" like some commentators here, although I know she did a number of live-aboard trips...but when something like this happens to someone you have been so very close to, just cannot get it off your head...especially having been the one who introduced her and encoutraged her in her first underwater adventures...
she really loved it, you know,...a bold and wonderful woman... but here I am now, unbelievably sad and taunting myself whether I shouldnt have scared her off instead...although diving is my passion...