Day one for April training and a call out

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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
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I'm a Fish!
Today was day one of two training days this month.

We started out in the Marine Building at 0800. After a team meeting it was take several boats to the city dock area to do some boat banging and PWC work. The guys got used to flipping the PWC’s over, picking up divers, rescuing victim’ one on one and making rescues with the sled behind the PWC.

For lunch everyone was on their own.

After lunch was the biannual PT test. That’s why everyone stayed away from the Mexican food today. Tomorrow will be another story. :D

Then it was back to the city beach for more boat banging and PWC ops. But to throw a wrench into things we get a call of a woman in the water approx 6 miles to the east of us. So everyone heads out for the scene. :11:

Now keep in mind that my vehicle, my old vehicle ran like the wind during a category 5 hurricane and I got on scene quick. My new one also runs like the wind. The wind in a closet with the door shut on a calm day. I can’t complain much because she did break triple digits with more in reserve. It’s going to suck a big one in cornering but going straight it’s ok. It’s still a POSOR as far as responding goes.:mooner:

We get there and for the first time today I can get involved in something. Traffic control :shakehead: and keeping the media at bay. Once the scene was secured and the dive completed we went back to Marine to debrief.

One of our FNG’s left his shoes outside his rig and somebody took one. Maybe it walked off on it’s own. :rofl3:

One of the other guys was on the rescue sled behind a PWC. He stayed there as they responded to the scene at 60 mph across a very choppy lake. He said it was hard on his arms and the boys but not that bad of a trip.:dork2:

As far as details on the gal in the lake we just don’t have many. When the articles come out I’ll post them.

Just standing around watching flat out sucks. Tomorrow morning is PWC and boat ops in the river below the dam. Some of the guys will be floating the river. At least one won’t be, me, this sucks. I hope I can join them on a deep dive tomorrow afternoon in the lake but I will just have to wait and see how I feel.

We will have four of the guys in the Seattle area over the weekend for DR1 classes. I hope it doesn’t go to crap while they’re gone.

We will just have to see what tomorrow brings.

Gary D.

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