Daughter's first OW

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Congrats proud parent:cheerleader:, keep divin in the family. Maybe my wife will have that joy one day. This is an awesome post to hear about.
I am very proud of her. It seems like yesterday when she wanted to learn to dive, she was six at the time. I appreciate all of the responses. I hope she enjoys it as much as I do. I can't wait to do some dives with her and watch her discover a new world.
My husband and I stopped diving before I got pregnant with my 1st. We both missed it terribly and last year all 3 were old enough (10, 12, and 13)to do their OW course together. We wanted to resume as a family activity. My emotions have ranged from being incredibly proud to highly terrified as all of those "what ifs" start creeping in. We have an established rule that if one person is the least bit uncomfortable we will NOT do the dive. We always fill in our log books together and talk about what we did that went well and why and discuss how we can improve. We dive with computers but the kids have to do the tables with EVERY dive. I feel so proud to be a diving FAMILY...you don't really find too many. Plus I love the fact as the kids are getting older and hanging with the parents might not be as cool that we have such a great activity that they can't do with their friends. We are planning on doing our AOW next year. Congrats on your daughter's achievement...not a lot of people can relate to what a truely Proud Parent you must be right now!
Always good to have a child joining the scuba world as a parent. Hope you two manage to have some good adventures in future together.
Congratulations to her! She's lucky to have a dad to dive with. I got my certification at 16 and my parents are afraid to dive, plus I don't have any siblings!

I sincerely hope you find a great group of people to dive with! Something obviously drew you to diving ... you need an avenue to pursue that passion and curiosity ...

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