Datamax Pro Plus - Multi Dives

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Atlanta Georgia
I love the info I get from this board. Man I can't wait til Im a grown up diver like you guys. Ok, trying to find out if anyone has had problems with repetitive multi level dives with the DMPP. My first big dive trip will be on the Cayman Aggressor. I have'nt purchased a mixed air puter yet. Leaning towards this one but want to make sure it will do the job. Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.
Problems? No, haven't had any problems. The computer is reasonably conservative and can take a licking...

Just finished a few weeks in Hawaii and plugged two or three dives a day on mine and it never burped. I don't always use it, but all-together I've probably put 75 dives or so on mine in the past couple of years.

I suggest the quick-release so that you can easily unhook the computer from your regulators and stow it in a safe place.

My favorite feature is the LARGE display, otherwise it's pretty much just another computer. The NO2 settings are pretty easy to make. Don't rely too heavily on the air-time remaining display - it's a loose and moving target...
Thanx RR. I do plan on getting the quick disco with whatever I settle on. Its been a toss up between the DMPP and Aeris 500ai. Im leaning towards the DMPP because of the great deal my LDS is giving me and it appeared that the display was large enough for me. This will be my first real dive since my Lasik surgery and though I see well as a land lubber, I want to make sure things are clear down below.

Thanx again.
I've been using my DMPP for over 4 years with no problems. Most of my dives are repetitive multi-level, on trips up to 5 a day. This computer is a champ.
I have had a DataMax Pro Plus for about a year, and have put about 50 dives on it. It is not my regular dive computer(most of my diving now is in caves/wrecks), but I do dive it on occasion on shallow recreational dives. Overall, it's a great computer. It is a bit conservative regarding NDL(and very conservative when you go into deco - requires long stops), but nowhere near as conservative as the Suunto line of computers. Numbers are large and easy to read, and the backlighting is great. As was already stated, don't rely on the "time remaining" thing since it jumps around quite a bit. It will give you a general idea, but nothing to specific. Use the pressure reading instead.

On multiple dives, it is pretty much on par with the other rec computers I've seen(except for the very conservative Suunto's). I don't know anything about the Aeris line, so I can't comment on that - but I do recommend the DMPP.

I very much enjoy my DMPP. I have logged many dives with mine and it has been knocked around quite a bit and it keeps on going. Large easy to read numbers puts the plus in it for me. Get the screen protector, it’s inexpensive and it will save your computers face.

Originally posted by Aviatrr
I have had a DataMax Pro Plus for about a year, and have put about 50 dives on it. It is not my regular dive computer(most of my diving now is in caves/wrecks), but I do dive it on occasion on shallow recreational dives. Overall, it's a great computer. It is a bit conservative regarding NDL(and very conservative when you go into deco - requires long stops), but nowhere near as conservative as the Suunto line of computers. Numbers are large and easy to read, and the backlighting is great. As was already stated, don't rely on the "time remaining" thing since it jumps around quite a bit. It will give you a general idea, but nothing to specific. Use the pressure reading instead.

On multiple dives, it is pretty much on par with the other rec computers I've seen(except for the very conservative Suunto's). I don't know anything about the Aeris line, so I can't comment on that - but I do recommend the DMPP.


I am trying to decide betwen getting a Versa Pro and just rely on my pressure gauge for air vs getting the DataMax Pro Plus. The former keeps more dives in memory and also can display current pO2, which is a nice feature. The DMPP is set to alarm at a pO2 of 1.6, which you can't change -- that worries me a bit. You don't know when you're getting close to the 1.4 level during a nitrox dive. Opinions?

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