I started with a 3 window Ocean Master mask with a clear skirt. Thought it was the bomb.
On an intro dive with my Sister about a year and a half ago, the instructor pulled out a low profile black skirted mask. This thing looked so tiny compared to the aquarium I had strapped to my grill.
We dove in, and underwater I put it on - instantly everything changed. It was that dramatic. No claustrophobia, no tunnel vision. When I turned my head to look at something, I saw only what I wanted to see. No glare, no squinting.
For me, going to a black mask made me feel like a diver and not a new diver. No offense to all who prefer a clear mask. Its hard to explain, but I can draw a clear line to changing out my mask, and me getting more serious about my diving.
eBayed the bay window, went black and never went back.
Kinda silly, but sometimes things like this trigger change.