DAN Courses.. Are they worth it

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-Skill Collector-
Reaction score
Southern California
The O2 provider course is almost a must if you are diving on walk-on charters. The course was one night (done through my local club) and was informative. If you have redcross First Aid/CPR/AED the DAN course is basically the same but with a bit of a diving focus, I would not worry about taking the DAN one.
The DAN course is meant to be taught to people that already have a CPR certification through another group or agency. The O2 provider course does have CPR drills in it, but covers adding O2 to make CPR more effective, and how to use various types of equipment and select each for any given situation. I got a lot more from my DAN O2 provider course than the red cross CPR course.
DAN courses are diving oriented. +1. The o2 course is almost a must for anyone in a rescue class or higher. The other courses offered are more advanced but are still diving oriented. The Neuro eval for one. This is a side of diving education that is often overlooked, but do you want to be the one, when confronted with a situation, that runs to the corner because you just don't know what to do? Diving is inherently safe but when a problem occurs there are specific methods to treat immediately on scene that differ from what the Red Cross may teach. Not knocking the Red Cross courses, but as divers we should have a minimal ability to deal with what we may encounter. DAN courses focus upon diving incidents, not grandma having a seizure.

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