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Hello everyone. I have an older BCD and I’m getting back into diving. It’s a DACOR FLYT, that obviously doesn’t exist anymore. I can’t seem to find my weight pockets. Does anyone know what can be used with the Velcro system as a replacement, or does anybody have any for sale from their old set up?

Hello everyone. I have an older BCD and I’m getting back into diving. It’s a DACOR FLYT, that obviously doesn’t exist anymore. I can’t seem to find my weight pockets. Does anyone know what can be used with the Velcro system as a replacement, or does anybody have any for sale from their old set up?


You have two options:

1. Use a weight belt.
2. Get a new BC.

Or a third option:

Pray to St. Anthony of Padua, the patron saint of lost things.
I would be inspecting the rest of the BC real carefully. There is a good chance that the plastics are aging out. Little things, like the bladder, the elbow attachment of the inflator to the bladder. They may be good, but at that age it is worth taking a real close inspection.
I would be inspecting the rest of the BC real carefully. There is a good chance that the plastics are aging out. Little things, like the bladder, the elbow attachment of the inflator to the bladder. They may be good, but at that age it is worth taking a real close inspection.
Excellent point. BCs of this vintage are highly suspect. Inflate until the over pressure valve releases air, then let it sit for an hour or so to see if it's holding pressure.

Put some torque on the inflation elbow - don't be too gentle. Check the webbing for degredation.

Better to find weak points now than when you are in counting on it for buoyancy in 75'+ of water.

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