Originally posted by pinkladydi
I just decided to go to a MOBBY's dry suit ,it offers SO MUCH FREEDOM as well as warmth, I thought I couldn't do the tight neck thing so I tried someone else's suit for 1 dive & I was hooked. consider trying a rental suit even in a pool before you buy a neoprene girdle [aka wet suit].
Having been a drysuit diver for many years welcome to the world of nice warm diving! You will REALLY notice the extra warmth inbetween dives and on the second and third dives of a day.
With such good American drysuit companies as Mobby, and DUI, it has always amased me that a lot of the people here will do 4 dives in a day in a neoprene horrid thing. Mebe the nitrogen has done something to their brains.
Jon T