Two dives per day is enough for us, but your narrative perfectly describes most of our reasons for diving with a shop that offers 2 tank afternoon dives. Set my alarm for 6:00 am (or earlier), while I'm on vacation?? Uh, No thanks.
Quite frankly, we're ALWAYS up and out earlier when we're on vacation than on workdays or weekends at home although we're usually to bed earlier on vacation as well. Last thing I want to do is sleep my vacation and daylight away... I can sleep all I want the rest of the year and when they finally plant me that's all I'll do for eternity.
We wake up at the Casa Mexicana around 6:45-6:50AM and are at the buffet at 7:00AM when it opens (We're not ones to shower an hour before jumping in an ocean and if I caught my wife putting on makeup during a dive trip I'd look at her like she had somewhere between 2 and 3 heads). If it takes us longer than 35 minutes to eat breakfast I'd consider us to be absolute P-I-G PIGS. We're usually back at the Casa between 12:30-1:00 PM and have the entire rest of the day to kick back by the pool with cocktails, watch the balloon heads stumble around, shop, walk around town, go to a beach, look at UW photos taken, etc. It's like getting 2 vacations for the price of 1. I say we are definitely in the majority on this which is why there are 2x as many boats out in the morning than are out in the afternoon.