CSSP tomorrow- 5/1

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Is anyone planning to dive Clear Springs tomorrow? The weather reports are conflicting- the t.v. Weather Channel looks like rainstorms all daytomorrow, but the latest two reports on the Weather Channel's website have shown hard rain through the night, but during the day it shows just cloudy skies and only 20% chance of precip. I'd really like to dive, but will need to buddy with someone if I can. My husband has injured his back, but he wants to go out there and check the place out, and I'd like to get in a dive or two if someone is available (hopefully to show me the ropes out there? I've never been.) I've done less than 15 dives (Comal River, Cozumel, and Roatan)- so if you're a "newbie-phobe", sorry! Also, I have all my gear except a tank- which I can rent out there at CSSP, I believe? The thermocline is supposed to be around 22', I will probably need to stay close to the thermo, as I only have about 3-4mm wetsuit. I know it's late notice, but please let me know what you think, Swampers!
Depends on the weather. If it aint raining cats & dogs, I'll be out there. Look for a silver Malibu by the wood docks on the West side. I'll be sporting a yellow tank and won't be with a class.

Heck, the shallows are the best dive IMHO. That's where all the fish & plantlife are.
I'm supposed to be there, kind of riding herd on a class for an instructor friend of mine. They do rent tanks there, they are $10 day, $5 for fills. Unless it's just storming like crazy, we're gonna be in the water. Any signs of lightning, and we'll be out of course. Maybe we'll get lucky, I really want to get wet :)
You are going to be a bit chilly in a 3mm. I'll be most likely diving dry tomorrow, if my buddy brings me a dry suit. :wink: Otherwise I'll be wearing my 3mm long with a 3mm shorty on top.

I'll be with a class, but feel free to stop by and say "hi" if you like.

I drive a big red Hummer, so I'm hard to miss.
Thanks so much for the replies, Texass, Firefyter & Detonate! I was so tired last night that I literally fell asleep at my keyboard not long after posting this! It's about 9:30 a.m. now and the weather reports are not looking good, still calling for thunderstorms in Terrell. It's raining here now(a little over an hour northeast from Terrell), and my husband is making some very contented snoring sounds, so it looks like we won't make it today. The next free weekend that we have is the 22nd, so it looks like it'll be a few weeks before we get to check out CSSP. Please post if you went, let me know what I missed, whaaaaaaaaah!

Boo-Hoo Foo
Hi Foo,

I went both the 1st and the 2nd, dove both days. Saturday was one of those days to just stay home, and I would have, had I not promised to help my friend. It rained almost all morning, and it was pretty chilly, with a 15-20 mph wind. The only good part was that the water temp at the surface was about 15 degrees warmer than it was on the bank. Water temp at the surface was 72, thermocline at 20-21 ft was 58. All the rain recently had the visibility down to ± 10ft. Today, on the other hand, was wonderful. Sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, no wind, an absolutely perfect day for diving. The water temps were the same, but being warm on the bank while getting suited up sure helped a lot. The students weren't whining as much as yesterday..lol. I'm sorry you missed diving today, but you really didn't miss that much yesterday. By the way, I saw you live NE of Terrell. I'm in Paris, so we've gotta be pretty close. Maybe we'll get a chance to meet at CSSP someday, if I can talk my wife/dive buddy into going back. She's not to keen on the cold...lol.
Today, on the other hand, was wonderful. Sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, no wind, an absolutely perfect day for diving. The water temps were the same, but being warm on the bank while getting suited up sure helped a lot

It was a gorgeous day at CSSP yesterday. I got there around 9:30 and DM'd for a class on the southwest shore. Water temps not bad, vis......... well depended where the classes had been but overall +/- 10, and the sun on the bank sure felt good after getting out.

I was there both days as well. Saturday was pretty miserable, although it was kinda nice having the students wanting to be in the water rather than out. The wind, cold, and rain made surface interval time a nightmare.

Sunday was a completely different story, sunshine all day. The water was nice. I wish it could be like that all year round. I even ended up with a sunburn. :D

I posted a bunch of photos on my website if you are interested.

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