cruise diving

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sorry for reviving an old thread but it may be helpful...

As it happens, I work for a Cruise Line (with a large rodent motif) and can offer a few thoughts:

1) A LDS at the islands will charge up to $50 for two tank dive...a cruise dive excursion can cost twice that for a cattle trip, often with people off other ships

2) Crew from the ships dive too! Ask you waiter/bar/cruise staff for unofficial introductions to divers on the ship

3) Passengers often get off before crew, but the crew still manage to dive...we are able to find operators willing to take us out during port hours

4) Do your port homework, check out operators tell them your port times and go private! Specify the kind of dive you want to do, pay for what you want.


Thanks for the post! Nice to hear from someone on the inside.

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